N72.N38 R45 2023
Aux origines du roman national : la construction d'un mythe par les images, de Vercingétorix aux sans-culottes (1814-1848) / |
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N72.N38 W43 2015
The nation's first monument and the origins of the American memorial tradition : liberty enshrined / |
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N72.N38 Z57 2014
The art of Secularism : the cultural politics of modernist art in contemporary India / |
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N72.O68 D55 2018
Seeing Renaissance glass : art, optics, and glass of early modern Italy, 1250-1425 / |
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N72 .P36
An introduction to scientific illustration / |
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N72.P4 A78 2011
L'artiste et le philosophe : l'histoire de l'art à l'épreuve de la philosophie au XVIIe siècle : actes du colloque international, 19 au 22 septembre 2007, Institut national d'histoire de l'art-Université Paris 7-Denis Diderot / |
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N72.P5 A78 2011
Art and the early photographic album / |
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N72.P5 B55 2020
Bill Brandt / |
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N72.P5 C58
The painter and the photograph. |
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N72.P5 C6 1972
The painter and the photograph : from Delacroix to Warhol. |
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N72.P5 .E9
Exit : imagen y cultura = Exit : image & culture. |
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N72.P5 F66 2012
Painting and photography, 1839-1914 / |
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N72.P5 F67 2015
For a new world to come / |
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N72.P5 F68 1986
Fotografia buffa : geënsceneerde fotografie in Nederland = staged photography in the Netherlands / |
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N72.P5 H5 1988
Photography between the wars : selections from the Ford Motor Company collection / |
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N72.P5 I58 1990
International Congress on Art and Holography, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, July 18-22, 1990. |
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N72.P5 J33 2016
Painting with light : art and photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to the modern age / |
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N72.P5 K67 1999
The artist and the camera : Degas to Picasso / |
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N72.P5 K7 1983
Kunst mit Photographie : die Sammlung Dr. Rolf H. Krauss / |
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N72.P5 K8 1980
Kunst & camera : 28 nov. 80-11 jan. 81 = Art & photographie. |
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