Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
N72.M28 W34 1994 | Art in the age of mass media / | 1 |
N72.M28 W34 2001 | Art in the age of mass media / | 1 |
N72 .M29 | The responsibility of the artist. | 1 |
N72.M29 A45 2009 | All that is solid melts into air : five reflections on materialist spirituality in contemporary art = Al Het Vaststaande Verdampt : Vijf Reflecties over Materialistische Spiritualiteit in de Hedendaagse Kunst / | 1 |
N72.M3 |
GEOMETRY FOR THE ARTIST. Mathematics and its connections to the arts and sciences (MACAS) : 15 years of interdisciplinary mathematics education / |
2 |
N72.M3 B66 2017 | Islamic geometric patterns their historical development and traditional methods of construction / | 1 |
N72.M3 B67 2019 | Opt art : from mathematical optimization to visual design / | 1 |
N72.M3 C66 2010 | Mathematics and modern art proceedings of the First ESMA Conference, held in Paris, July 19-22, 2010 / | 1 |
N72.M3 G35 2016 | Mathematics + art : a cultural history / | 1 |
N72.M3 M38 2011 | Matematica e arte forme del pensiero artistico / | 1 |
N72.M3 M38 2020 | ||
N72.M3 M53 2004 | I spy shapes in art / | 2 |
N72.M3 O76 2019 | Math art : truth, beauty, and equations / | 1 |
N72.M3 P48 2001 | Fragments of infinity : a kaleidoscope of math and art / | 2 |
N72.M3 S25 2019 | Connections between mathematics, the arts and architecture / | 1 |
N72.M3 S53 2013 | Poiesis and enchantment in topological matter / | 1 |
N72.M3 S53 2013eb | Poiesis and enchantment in topological matter / | 2 |
N72.M3 S67 2019eb | Elegant fractals : automated generation of computer art / | 1 |
N72.M3 V57 1979 | Visual art, mathematics and computers : selections from the journal Leonardo / | 1 |
N72.M3 V575 2017 | Visual culture and mathematics in the early modern period / | 1 |