Call Number (LC) Title Results
N72.S6 P457 1895 Art under Socialism / 1
N72.S6 P46 1966 El campo, el campesino y la canción : [conferencia pronunciada por José Ma. Pemán y Pemartín, el día 23 de noviembre en el salón de actos de Refinería de Petróleos de Escombreras (Repesa)] / 1
N72.S6 P494 2020 What can art do? 1
N72.S6 P53 1996 Pictura quasi fictura : die Rolle des Bildes in der Erforschung von Alltag und Sachkultur des Mittelalters und der fruhen Neuzeit : internationales Round-Table-Gesprach, Krems an der Donau, 3. Oktober 1994. 1
N72.S6 P535 2021 Picture ecology : art and ecocriticism in planetary perspective / 1
N72.S6 P55 2014 Planning unplanned : towards a new positioning of art in the context of urban development / 1
N72.S6 P5613 1977 Art and social life / 1
N72.S6 P663 2021 Another aesthetics is possible : arts of rebellion in the Fourth World War / 1
N72.S6 P665 2018 Popular modernism and its legacies : from pop literature to video games / 1
N72.S6 P67 2015 Porous boundaries : art and essays / 1
N72.S6 P677 2017eb The post-industrial landscape as site for creative practice : material memory / 1
N72.S6 P76 2011 Osogbo and the art of heritage / 1
N72.S6P76 2011 Osogbo and the Art of Heritage : Monuments, Deities, and Money. 1
N72.S6 P765 2014 Project 1975 : contemporary art and the postcolonial unconscious / 1
N72.S6 R2795 2014 Touching objects : intimate experiences of Italian fifteenth-century art / 1
N72.S6 R4 1966 Art and society / 1
N72.S6 R4 1967 Art and society / 1
N72.S6 R44 2002 Recoveries and reclamations / 1
N72.S6 R44 2002eb Recoveries and reclamations / 2
N72.S6 R446 2018 Curatorial activism : towards an ethics of curating / 1