Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7279.O94 A4 2008 Yigal Ozeri, Anima : the persistence of the feminine : paintings, prints, video, 1994-2007 / 1
N7279.P26 A2 1996 Autobiographie : odyssée d'un peintre israëlien, né en Russie tsariste et français d'adoption / 1
N7279.R15 A4 2007 Tal R : The sum / 1
N7279.R15 A4 2009 Tal R : teenager beach : CAC Málaga, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, 25 junio- 6 septiembre 2009. 1
N7279.R15 A4 2012 Tal R : Mann über Bord / 1
N7279.R235 A4 2006 Adam Rabinovits: Tardemon : [Bitan Helenah Rubinshṭain le-Omanut Bat-Zemanenu, ha-petiḥah be-yom shishi, 18 be-Tamuz 766, 14 ba-Yuli 2006] / 1
N7279.R36 A4 1994 Philip Rantzer : 'I love art and art loves me' / 1
N7279.R44 A4 2014 300 60 48 : ʻavodot 1994-2014 / 1
N7279.R65 A4 1996 +2000 -2000 even : an installation at the end of the millennium / 1
N7279.R68 A4 2005 Fields / 1
N7279.R68 A4 2009 Michal Rovner : frequency / 1
N7279.R82 W54 Reuven Rubin / 1
N7279.S25 A4 2000 Yehudit Sasporṭas. 1
N7279.S25 A4 2007 Yehudit Sasportas : guardians of the threshold / 1
N7279.S26 A4 2019 Larissa Sansour : heirloom / 1
N7279.S28 Z35 1985 Boris Shats / 1
N7279.S437 A4 1991 Celebrations : sacred and secular / 1
N7279.S84 A4 1994 Uri Shṭeṭner : hitsṭayerut / 1
N7279.T48 A4 1997 Nahum Tevet : opening moves : Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Palais Liechtenstein, 24.04.1997-01.06.1997 / 1
N7279.T85 A4 1984 In the centre of the margins / 1