Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7307.H48 A77 Arts of Himachal / 1
N7307. H48 P36 1999 Parvata se ubhare kalākara / 1
N7307.H48 S55 1983 Art and architecture of Himachal Pradesh / 1
N7307.H5 S56 Himalayan art : wall-painting and sculpture in Ladakh, Lahaul, and Spiti, the Siwalik Ranges, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. 1
N7307.J3 A78 1989 Art and architecture of ancient Kashmir / 1
N7307.J3 D43 1999 Artisan of the paradise : art and artisans of Kashmir, from ancient to modern times / 1
N7307.J3 K48 1984 Art history of Kashmir and Ladakh, medieval period / 1
N7307.K47 B47 1982 Temple arts of Kerala : a South Indian tradition / 1
N7307.K67 G63 1997 Gods, kings, and tigers : the art of Kotah / 1
N7307.L33 A78 2014 Art and architecture in Ladakh : cross-cultural transmissions in the Himalayas and Karakoram / 2
N7307.M57 S75 1999 Art of Mithila / 1
N7307.N4 W32 Nepal. Kunst aus dem Königreich im Himalaja / 1
N7307.N4 W323 1969 Nepal : art treasures from the Himalayas / 1
N7307.N4 W323 1970 Nepal : art treasures from the Himalayas / 1
N7307.O74 F32 1974 History of the art of Orissa / 1
N7307.O74 W56 1996 The two-headed deer : illustrations of the Rāmāyaṇa in Orissa / 1
N7307.P3 L9 Gandhāran art in Pakistan / 1
N7307.P3 M3 The Buddhist art of Gandhāra : the story of the early school, its birth, growth, and decline. 1
N7307.P3 V5 5000 jaar kunst in Pakistan. 1
N7307.P4 H313 Gandharan art of North India and the Graeco-Buddhist tradition in India, Persia, and Central Asia / 1