Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7391.65 .B57 2020 L'hôtel Drouot et l'art africain : 1945-1960 / 1
N7391.65 .B58 1998 The royal arts of Africa : the majesty of form / 2
N7391.65 .B76 1974 Masterpieces of African art. : Exhibition dates: October 21, 1954-January 2, 1955 / 1
N7391.65 .C63 1989 Icons : ideals and power in the art of Africa / 1
N7391.65 .C65 2013eb A companion to modern African Art / 2
N7391.65 .C6513 1988 African art : from the Barbier-Mueller collection, Geneva / 1
N7391.65 .C66 1996 Contemporary art of Africa / 2
N7391.65 .C66613 1998 African royal court art / 2
N7391.65 .D48 1996 African form and imagery : Detroit collects / 2
N7391.65 .E59 2009 Contemporary African art since 1980 / 1
N7391.65 .F34 1989 Shapes of power, belief, and celebration : African art from New Orleans collections / 1
N7391.65 .I83 1995 Islamic art and culture in sub-Saharan Africa / 1
N7391.65 .J85 1984 The messages of tourist art : an African semiotic system in comparative perspective / 2
N7391.65 .K46 1992 New currents, ancient rivers : contemporary African artists in a generation of change / 1
N7391.65 .K65 1990 Art of Central Africa : masterpieces from the Berlin Museum für Völkerkunde / 2
N7391.65 .K813 1987 African masterpieces and selected works from Munich : the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde / 1
N7391.65 .L34 1997 Africa : women's art, women's lives / 1
N7391.65 .L34 2020 Sahel : art and empires on the shores of the Sahara / 1
N7391.65 .L35 2000 Art and oracle : African art and rituals of divination / 1