Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7640 .D46 2009 Depicting Canada's children / 1
N7640 .D46 2009eb Depicting Canada's children 1
N7640 .D86 2023 Images of childhood : a visual history from stone to screen / 1
N7640 .E27 2015 The early modern child in art and history / 1
N7640 .H46 2008 Images of children in Byzantium / 1
N7640 .H46 2016 Images of children in Byzantium / 1
N7640 .H5 1998 Pictures of innocence : the history and crisis of ideal childhood / 1
N7640 .I46 2010 Immagini del bambino e dell'adolescente nel Rinascimento : percorsi evolutivi nell'arte toscana / 1
N7640 .L36 2006 Imagining childhood / 2
N7640 .L38 2018 The hand that rocked the cradle : the art of birth and infancy / 1
N7640 .M87 2016 L'art et l'enfant : chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture française = The child in art : masterpieces of French painting. 1
N7640 .O77 2019 Painting childhood / 1
N7640 .P47 2006 Young America : childhood in 19th-century art and culture / 1
N7640 .P735 2015 Visual cultures of foundling care in Renaissance Italy / 1
N7640 .P74 1998 Presumed innocence / 1
N7640 .R67 1989 The romantic child : from Runge to Sendak / 1
N7640 .S6 Childhood in art / 1
N7640 .Z46 1996 Capturing the magic of children in your paintings / 2
N7642 .M5 World's children / 1
N7642 .M55 1984 Metropolitan children / 1