Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
N7720.H6 C6 | The Dance of death / | 1 |
N7720.H6 .D6 1858 | Holbein's Dance of death exhibited in elegant engravings on wood : with a dissertation on the several representations of that subject / | 1 |
N7720.H6 .D6 1878 | Holbein's Dance of death exhibited in elegant engravings on wood : with a dissertation on the several representations of that subject / | 1 |
N7720.H6 D6 1884 | Holbein's dance of death, exhibited in elegant engravings on wood, with a dissertation on several representatives of that subject / | 1 |
N7720.H6 L83 1974 | The dance of Death : Les simulachres & historiées faces de la Mort / | 1 |
N7720.H6 L83 2016 | The dance of death / | 1 |
N7720 H6 M4 1803 | The Dances Of Death Through The Various Stages Of Human Life : Where The Capriciousness Of That Tyrant Is Exhibited In Forty Six Copper Plates / | 1 |
N7720.H6 W3 | Bilder des Todes / | 1 |
N7720 .M18 1945 | The Dance of death : printed at Paris in 1490; a reproduction made from the copy in the Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, Library of Congress. | 1 |
N7720 .M2 1963 | Literatur der Totentänze / | 1 |
N7720 .R7 1968 | Der mittelalterliche Totentanz. : Entstehung, Entwicklung, Bedeutung. | 1 |
N7720 .S76 1996 | Zeitlos tanzt der Tod : das Fortleben, Fortschreiben, Fortzeichnen der Totentanztradition im 20. Jahrhundert / | 1 |
N7740 |
Light and obscurity in symbolism / Hieroglyph, emblem, and Renaissance pictography / |
2 |
N7740 .A45 1591 | Andreae Alciati v. c. emblemata : cum Claudii Minois Diuionensis ad eadem commentariis, quibus emblematum omnium aperta origine, mens auctoris explicature, & obscura omnia dubiaque illustrantur. | 1 |
N7740 .A45 1648 | Emblemata V. C. Andreae Alciati Mediolanensis Ivrisconsvlti : Cum facili & compendiosa explicatione, qua obscura illustrantur, dubiaque omnia solvuntur, per Clavdivm Minoem Divionensem / | 1 |
N7740 .A53 | [Anchor device with motto, "Tutum te littore sistam"] | 1 |
N7740 .A76 2008 | Barocke Rätsellust : Embleme in der Tiroler Kunst / | 1 |
N7740 .B247 2006 | Fresh! : contemporary takes on nature & allegory / | 2 |
N7740 .B2913 2005 | Symbols and allegories in art / | 1 |
N7740 .B37 1999 | Dictionnaire iconologique : les allégories et les symboles de Cesare Ripa et Jean Baudoin / | 1 |