N7745.S4 D36 2012
Dangerous and divine : the secret of the serpent / |
1 |
N7745.S73 C66 2010
The swimming reindeer / |
1 |
N7745.S9 B7
Studien zur Darstellung des Schmerzes in der antiken bildenden Kunst Griechenlands und Italiens. |
1 |
N7745.S96 H54 2008
World upside down = Le monde à l'envers / |
1 |
N7745.V35 R38 2000
Vanitas : meditations on life and death in contemporary art / |
1 |
N7745.V35 V37 2005
Les vanités dans l'art contemporain / |
1 |
N7750 .P68 1997
Fables in frames : La Fontaine and visual culture in nineteenth-century France / |
1 |
Fragonard ou l'art de la frivolité : Les dernières heures du rococo. |
1 |
N7760 .A22 1905
Classic myths in art : an account of Greek myths as illustrated by great artists / |
1 |
N7760 .A34 1996
Gods and heroes of classical antiquity / |
1 |
N7760 A34 1996
Gods and heroes of classical antiquity / |
2 |
N7760 .A65 2011
Aphrodite and the gods of love / |
1 |
N7760 .A85
Adonis dans la littérature et l'art grecs ... / |
1 |
N7760 .B28 1971
Der Mythos von Telephos in der antiken Bildkunst. |
1 |
N7760 .B32 1971
Ninfe e divinità marine : ricerche mitologiche iconografiche e stilistiche / |
1 |
N7760 .B5
The Greek mysteries / |
2 |
N7760 .B67 1985
Mythologie et maniérisme Pays-Bas : Italie, Bavière, Fontainebleau, Prague, peinture et dessins / |
1 |
N7760 .B813 1996
The inquiring eye : classical mythology in European art : teaching packet / |
1 |
N7760 .B817
Hephaistos : d. Schmiedegott in d. antiken Kunst / |
1 |
N7760 .B85 2005
The mirror of the Gods / |
2 |