Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
N7760 .W45 1950 | Gods and goddesses in art and legend : great myths as pictured by great masters. | 1 |
N7760 .W45 1961 | Gods and goddesses in art and legend : great myths as pictured by great masters / | 1 |
N7760 .W5 | Gods & heroes ; baroque images of antiquity / | 1 |
N7760 .W66 2003 | Images of myths in classical antiquity / | 2 |
N7760 eBook | Arte y mito : manual de iconografía clásica / | 1 |
N7760 ebook |
Arte y mito manual de iconografía clásica / Seres soñados arqueologías imposibles / Arte y mito / |
3 |
N7763.A35 C3614 2018 | Les plantes d'Adonis : essai / | 1 |
N7763.A886 I28 2002 | L'iconografia di Atena con elmo frigio in Italia meridionale : atti della giornata di studi, Fisciano, 12 giugno 1998 / | 1 |
N7763.A886 N534 2002 | Die Athena Parthenos : Studien zum griechischen Kultbild und seiner Rezeption / | 1 |
N7763.B23 B32 1987 | Bacchanals by Titian and Rubens : papers given at a symposium in Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, March 18-19, 1987 / | 1 |
N7763.B85 M98 1988 | Mythos Europa : Europa und der Stier im Zeitalter der industriellen Zivilisation / | 1 |
N7763.C86 C3813 2002 | The tale of Cupid and Psyche : an illustrated history / | 1 |
N7763.C86 T35 2012 | The tale of Cupid and Psyche : myth in art from antiquity to Canova / | 1 |
N7763.D56 B63 2014 | The triumph of Dionysos : convivial processions, from antiquity to the present day / | 1 |
N7763.D56 D56 1991 | Dionysos, mito e mistero : atti del convegno internazionale, Comacchio, 3-5 novembre 1989 / | 1 |
N7763.D56 M67 2014 | Renaissance dionysiaque : inspiration bachique, imaginaire du vin et de la vigne dans l'art européen (1430-1630) / | 1 |
N7763.D56 P62 1990 | Dionysische Gruppen : eine typologische Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Stützmotivs / | 1 |
N7763.D56 V56 1999 | Il vino di Dioniso : dei e uomini a banchetto in Basilicata : Roma, Museo Barracco, 8 luglio-28 novembre 1999 / | 1 |
N7763.H44 H647 2003 | Der Koloss von Rhodos und die Bauten des Helios : neue Forschungen zu einem der Sieben Weltwunder / | 1 |
N7763.H47 H47 1986 | Herakles : passage of the hero through 1000 years of classical art / | 1 |