Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7857 .F83 1999 Das Altarensemble : eine Analyse des Kompositcharakters früh- und hochmittelalterlicher Altarausstattung / 1
N7857 .H54 2022 High gothic : Christian art and iconography of the 13th-14th century / 1
N7857 .L56 2002 Great altarpieces : Gothic and Renaissance / 1
N7857 .M45 2005 La pintura sobre tabla del gótico lineal : frontales, laterales de altar y retablos en el reino de Mallorca y los condados catalanes / 1
N7860 Jesuit art / 1
N7860 .C38 2006 Catholic collecting : Catholic reflection 1538-1850 : objects as a measure of reflection on a Catholic past and the construction of Recusant identity in England and America / 1
N7860 .G35 1975 Anno Santo 1975. 1
N7860 .I3613 2005 The Jesuits and the arts, 1540-1773 / 1
N7860 .P37 2006 The arts of the Anglican Counter-Reformation : glory, laud and honour / 1
N7862 .A73 2007 Archäologie der Reformation : Studien zu den Auswirkungen des Konfessionswechsels auf die materielle Kultur / 1
N7862 .D56 1999 Images and relics : theological perceptions and visual images in sixteenth-century Europe / 1
N7862 .H37 2018eb English aristocratic women and the fabric of piety, 1450-1550 / 3
N7862 .K64 2004 The reformation of the image / 1
N7862 .M5313 1993 The Reformation and the visual arts : the Protestant image question in Western and Eastern Europe / 1
N7862 .M5313 1993eb The Reformation and the visual arts : the Protestant image question in Western and Eastern Europe / 2
N7862 .S467 2013 The sensuous in the Counter-Reformation church / 1
N7865 .A78 2015 Art, controversy, and the Jesuits : the Imago primi saeculi (1640) / 1
N7865 .E43 2006 Emblemata sacra : emblem books from the Maurits Sabbe Library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / 1
N7865 .H42 1997 Katholische Bildertheologie im Zeitalter von Gegenreformation und Barock : Studien zu Traktaten von Johannes Molanus, Gabriele Paleotti und anderen Autoren / 1
N7865 .L48 2004 Propaganda and the Jesuit Baroque / 2