Call Number (LC) Title Results
N7850 .S44 2005 Seeing the invisible in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages : papers from "Verbal and pictorial imaging: representing and accessing experience of the invisible, 400-1000" : (Utrecht, 11-13 December 2003) / 1
N7850 .W58 2004 Altar - Reliquiar - Retabel : Kunst und Liturgie bei Wibald von Stablo / 1
N7852.5 Art and eloquence in Byzantium /
N7852.5 .B376 2002 Figure and likeness : on the limits of representation in Byzantine iconoclasm / 2
N7852.5 .H43 1998 Heaven on Earth : art and the Church in Byzantium / 1
N7852.5 .M34 Art and eloquence in Byzantium / 1
N7852.5 .M35 1998 Rhetoric, nature and magic in Byzantine art / 1
N7852.5 .M38 1995 Art and architecture in Byzantium and Armenia : liturgical and exegetical approaches / 1
N7852.5 .M39 2002 Representations of early Byzantine empresses : image and empire / 1
N7852.5 .S66 1990 Splendori di Bisanzio : testimonianze e riflessi d'arte e cultura bizantina nelle chiese d'Italia. 1
N7852.5 .V55 2003 Sacred images and sacred power in Byzantium / 1
N7852.5 .V67 1994 Vostochnokhristianskiĭ khram : liturgi︠i︡a i iskusstvo / 1
N7852.5 .W36 1993 Prayer and power in Byzantine and papal imagery / 1
N7853 .E94 1991 Evangile roman / 1
N7853 .P53 The Stavelot triptych : Mosan art and the legend of the True Cross / 1
N7853.5 .C58 2014 The Cistercian arts : from the 12th to the 21st century / 1
N7853.5 .L33 2000 Malerei und Plastik im Zisterzienserorden : zum Bildgebrauch zwischen sakralem Zeremoniell und Stiftermemoria 1250-1430 / 1
N7853.5 .S8 1982 Studies in Cistercian art and architecture / 2
N7854 -- B49 2013eb Beyond the Text : Franciscan Art and the Construction of Religion. 1
N7854 .S26 2014 Sanctity pictured : the art of the Dominican and Franciscan orders in Renaissance Italy / 1