N7952.R6 B35 2003
Between Renaissance and Baroque : Jesuit art in Rome, 1565-1610 / |
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N7952.R6 B35 2003eb
Between Renaissance and Baroque : Jesuit art in Rome, 1565-1610 / |
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N7952.R6 H65 2018
The Holy Name : art of the Gesù : Bernini and his age / |
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N7952.R6 J66 2008
Altarpieces and their viewers in the churches of Rome from Caravaggio to Guido Reni / |
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N7952.R6 K48 2000
Rome 1300 : on the path of the pilgrim / |
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N7952.R6 O85 1996
Art and spirituality in Counter-Reformation Rome : the Sistine and Pauline chapels in S. Maria Maggiore / |
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N7952.R6 P87 1992
Santa Maria Maggiore / |
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N7952.R6 S38 2007
Kardinal Maffeo Barberini später Papst Urban VIII und die Entstehung des Römischen Hochbarock / |
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N7952.R6 T48 2002
Image and relic : mediating the sacred in early medieval Rome / |
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N7952.R6 T58 1987
Studio di pittura, scoltura, et architettura, nelle chiese di Roma (1674-1763) / |
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N7952.R6 W65 1990
Salus populi Romani : die Geschichte römischer Kultbilder im Mittelalter / |
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N7952.R88 B67 1992
Santa Maria della Colonna : una committenza artistica nell'ultimo Medioevo / |
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N7952.S286 A5 1996
Sarntaler Kirchenkunst / |
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N7952.S54 W55 2020
Reliquary tabernacles in fourteenth-century Italy : image, relic and material culture / |
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N7952.S545 T74 2007 DVD
Treasures of sacred art Tuscan journeys. |
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N7952.S68 I26 1994
Iconografia di Chiara d'Assisi in Calabria : celebrazioni per l'VIII centenario della nascita della santa : Cosenza, Chiostro di S. Francesco d'Assisi, 7 luglio-4 ottobre 1994. |
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N7952 .T73 1985
Tre artisti nella Bologna dei Bentivoglio. |
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N7952.V46 B37 1993
La Basilica di San Marco : arte e simbologia / |
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N7952.V46 S6813 2003
St. Mark's : the art and architecture of church and state in Venice / |
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N7952 .W4
Die religiösen ausdrucksgebärden des barock : und ihre vorbereitung durch die italienische kunst der renaissance / |
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