N8375.H34 F6
Minutes of the last meeting / |
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N8375.H34 F6 1954
Minutes of the last meeting / |
1 |
N8375.L36 A2 1963
Museum piece, or, The education of an iconographer. |
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N8375.L36 A2 1964
Museum piece; or, The education of an iconographer. |
1 |
N8375.L46 A2 1969
Wyndham Lewis on art : collected writings 1913-1956 / |
1 |
N8375.L7 A3
Lebenserinnerungen / |
1 |
N8375.O3 A3
Object and idea : an art critic's journal, 1961-1967. |
1 |
N8375.Q8 R97 2014
Classics at the dawn of the museum era : the life and times of Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy (1755-1849) / Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. |
1 |
N8375.R43 S55 1970
Herbert Read : a memorial symposium / |
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N8375.R43 S55 2015eb
Herbert Read : a memorial symposium / |
1 |
N8375.R6 M9
Studies presented to David Moore Robinson on his seventieth birthday. |
1 |
N8375.R67 A3 1966
Summer's lease : autobiography, 1901-1938 / |
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N8375.R67 A32 1967
Brave day, hideous night : autobiography, 1939-1965 / |
1 |
N8375.S35 A3 1948
Die fetten und die mageren Jahre : ein Arbeits- und Lebensbericht. |
1 |
N8375.S5 A35
I martedì colorati. |
1 |
N8375.W35 T45
Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder / |
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N8375.W7 A2
Kleine Schriften und Briefe / |
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N8375.W7 A25 2002
Kleine Schriften, Vorreden, Entwürfe / |
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N8375.W7 A27 1882a
Winckelmanns Briefe an seine Züricher Freunde : nach den auf der Züricher Stadtbibliothek aufbewahrten Originalen in vermehrter und verbesserter Gestalt / |
1 |
N8375.W7 G64
Winckelmann / |
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