Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NA1120 .W66 1995 | Rome : the buildings of Europe / | 1 |
NA1121 | Venice / | 1 |
NA1121.A2 G2 | Storia dell' architettura in Abruzzo. | 1 |
NA1121.A66 A53 1996 | Eppan : Kunst- und Architekturführer / | 1 |
NA1121.B6 M55 1989 | Renaissance Bologna : a study in architectural form and content / | 2 |
NA1121.C3 S5 | The renaissance of architecture in southern Italy : a study of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen and the Capua Triumphator archway and towers / | 1 |
NA1121.F7 A6 | ||
NA1121.F7 A6 1975 | Early Florentine architecture and decoration / | 1 |
NA1121.F7 A72 1992 | L'Architettura di Lorenzo il Magnifico : Firenze, Spedale degli Innocenti, 8 aprile - 26 luglio 1992 / | 1 |
NA1121.F7 A85 2016 | The noisy Renaissance : sound, architecture, and Florentine urban life / | 2 |
NA1121.F7 F73 2006 | De bonis lapidibus conciis : la costruzione di Firenze ai tempi di Arnolfo di Cambio : strumenti, tecniche e maestranze nei cantieri fra XIII e XIV secolo / | 1 |
NA1121.F7G68 2015 | Florence : a Walking Guide to Its Architecture. | 1 |
NA1121.F7 G69 2002 | Florence : the city and its architecture / | 1 |
NA1121.F7 Z813 1995 | Florence : an architectural guide / | 1 |
NA1121.F7 Z813 1995x | Florence : an architectural guide / | 1 |
NA1121.G4 C75 2004 | Genova : guida di architettura moderna = guide to modern architecture / | 1 |
NA1121.G4 .G3 1818a | ||
NA1121.G4 G7 | Portali e palazzi di Genova. | 1 |
NA1121.G4 G76 | Dimore genovese : i palazzi, le ville, i castelli. | 1 |
NA1121.M6 |
Fascism, architecture, and the claiming of modern Milan, 1922-1943 / Fascism, Architecture, and the Claiming of Modern Milan, 1922-1943 / Building stones of Milan and Lombardy. |
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