Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NA1368 .B69 2001 | Modernism and nation building : Turkish architectural culture in the early republic / | 1 |
NA1368 .B692 2012 |
Turkey : modern architectures in history / Turkey / |
2 |
NA1368 .K49 2015 | Building modern Turkey : state, space, and ideology in the early republic / | 2 |
NA1368.5.M63 M53 2016 | Mid-century modernism in Turkey : architecture across cultures in the 1950s and 1960s / | 2 |
NA1368.6 .T33 2014 | Tabanlioglu architects / | 1 |
NA1369.E3 S56 1987 | Eastern Turkey : an architectural and archaeological survey / | 1 |
NA1370 .B3713 1996 | Istanbul 1900 : art nouveau architecture and interiors / | 1 |
NA1370 .D4 | Studien zur Architektur Konstantinopels, im 5. und 6. Jahrhundert nach Christus. | 1 |
NA1370 .E77 1986 | Istanbul, gateway to splendour : a journey through Turkish architecture / | 1 |
NA1370 .F74 2004 | Byzantine monuments of Istanbul / | 1 |
NA1370 .G757 2017 | Architecture and the Turkish city : an urban history of Istanbul since the Ottomans / | 1 |
NA1370 .G757 2017eb | Architecture and the Turkish city : an urban history of Istanbul since the Ottomans / | 1 |
NA1370 .G78 | Palast von = palace of = palais de Dolmabahçe Sarayi / | 1 |
NA1370 .G8 | Die Baukunst Konstantinopels. | 1 |
NA1370 .K54 2004 | Hagia Sophia / | 1 |
NA1370 .K68 1979 | Harem / | 1 |
NA1370 .K684 1980 | Hazine / | 1 |
NA1370 .M514 1965 | Les palais des empéreurs byzantins / | 1 |
NA1370 .M83 | Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls : Byzantion, Konstantinupolis, Istanbul bis zum Beginn d. 17. Jh. / | 1 |
NA1370 .N43 1991 |
Architecture, ceremonial, and power : the Topkapi Palace in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries / Architecture, ceremonial, and power : the Topkapı Palace in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries / |
3 |