Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NA2450.G7 L66 2014 | Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined. | 1 |
NA2450.I8 C66 2012 | Common ground : 13. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, la Biennale di Venezia / | 1 |
NA2450.I8 C663 2012 | Common ground : a critical reader / | 1 |
NA2450.I8 M47 1994 | Premio San Carlo Borromeo Regione Lombardia 1994 : architettura- design : Museo della Permanente dal 30 novembre 1994 all'8 gennaio 1995. | 1 |
NA2450.I8 P66 1981 | Pompéi, travaux et envois des architectes français au XIXe siècle : [exposition] École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Chapelle des Petits-Augustins, 14 janvier-22 mars 1981, Institut français de Naples, 11 avril-13 juin 1981. | 1 |
NA2450.I8 V466 2015 | The Venice counter catalogue : a guide to the 14th International Architecture Exhibition / | 1 |
NA2450.I83 I68 2004 | Metamorph : 9. International Architecture Exhibition. | 1 |
NA2450.S7 A39 2009 | After architecture : typologies of the afterwards / | 1 |
NA2460.E3 C35 1984 | Cairo international exhibition / | 1 |
NA2460.I8 V46 2014 | Bungalow Germania : Deutscher Pavillon - 14. Internationale Architektur-Ausstellung, la Biennale di Venezia 2014 = German pavilion - 14th International Architecture Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia 2014 / | 1 |
NA2460.S4 S465 2017 | Imminent commons : urban questions for the near future : Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 / | 1 |
NA2460.S4 S466 2017a | Imminent commons : commoning cities / | 1 |
NA2500 |
An architecture of place : topology in practice / On the ruins of Babel : architectural metaphor in German thought / Theory of experience in architecture and urban design / Architectures of transversality : Paul Klee, Louis Kahn and the Persian imagination / Conjuring the Real : the Role of Architecture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Fiction. A history of artificially intelligent architecture : case studies from the USA, UK, Europe and Japan, 1949-1987 / The tacit dimension : architecture knowledge and scientific research / Made by Robots : Challenging Architecture at the Large Scale AD. Architecture and Ideology. Situate, manipulate, fabricate : an anthology of the influences on architectural design and production / Habitar The eyes of the skin : architecture and the senses / Thinking about architecture : an introduction to architectural theory / The resistant object of architecture : a Lacanian perspective / Affective Spaces : Architecture and the Living Body. Sheaves : when things are whatever can be the case / Towards an articulated phenomenological interpretation of architecture : phenomenal phenomenology / Liquid architecture : experimental practices of design in a state of flux / Menos es suficiente On power in architecture : from a materialistic, phenomenological, and post-structuralist perspective / Transpecies design : design for a posthumanist world / Variations of a building / Multispace Architecture at the Dawn of the Metaverse. Delft Prototype Laboratory. Architecture, philosophy and the pedagogy of cinema : from Benjamin to Badiou / Postphenomenology and architecture : human technology relations in the built environment / The Autopoiesis of Architecture : a New Framework for Architecture. The multi-skilled designer : a cognitive foundation for inclusive architectural thinking / ARCHITECTURE AND SILENCE. Metaphor : an exploration of the metaphorical dimensions and potential of architecture / How to read architecture : an introduction to interpreting the built environment / Architectural Philosophy : Repetition, Function and Alterity. Reading architecture : literary imagination and architectural experience / Christian Norberg-Schulz's interpretation of Heidegger's philosophy : care, place and architecture / Die Sprache der Stadt Architektur- und Urbane Raumbilder Zwischen ästhetischer Subjektivierung und Normalisierender Kommerzialisierung. Affective spaces : architecture and the living body / The production sites of architecture / Unexpected affinities : the history of type in architectural project from Laugier to Duchamp / Magic : <<Vesper>>. Instabilities and potentialities : notes on the nature of knowledge in digital architecture / Building the architect's character : exploration in traits / The Symbol at Your Door: Number and Geometry in Religious Architecture of the Greek and Latin Middle Ages. Grace and Gravity Architectures of the Figure : Architectures of the Figure. Œ case files. La otra tradición de la arquitectura moderna : el proyecto inacabado / Architecture and the virtual / Theorie der Architektur : Zeitgenössische Positionen. The Dissolution of Place : Architecture, Identity, and the Body. Big house little city : architectural design through an urban lens / Architecture and theology : the art of place / The new urban condition : criticism and theory from architecture and urbanism / The funambulist pamphlets. Diagrams of power in Benjamin and Foucault : the recluse of architecture / Architectures of existence : ethics, aesthetics, politics / Contemporary heritage lexicon. Nelson Goodman and Modern Architecture : A Belated Encounter / Hans van der Laan's instruments of thought : proportion, architecture, analogy / Relations in Architecture : Writings and Buildings / Architectural exaptation : when function follows form / Mikro-Utopien der Architektur : Das utopische Moment architektonischer Minimaltechniken / Engineering Innovations. Transgression Towards an expanded field of architecture. Inhabited Machines : Genealogy of an Architectural Concept / Theorizing built form and culture : the legacy of Amos Rapoport / Reviewing design process theories : discourses in architecture, urban design and planning theories / Philosophical difference and advanced computation in architectural theory : from less to more / Neo-liberalism and the architecture of the post professional era / The contested territory of architectural theory / Architectural technicities : a foray into larval space / Metaphorical practices in architecture : metaphors as method and subject in the production of architecture / The Funambulist Pamphlets. Topie impitoyable : the corporeal politics of the cloth, the wall, and the street ; les politiques corporelles du vêtement, du mur et la rue / Cognition and the Built Environment. Ecologies of architecture : essays on territorialisation / |
84 |
NA2500 .A15 2014 | 2000+ : the urgencies of architectural theory / | 1 |
NA2500 .A2213 | Sketches / | 1 |
NA2500 .A3613 2015 | A new nature : 9 architectural conditions between liquid and solid / | 1 |
NA2500 .A392 1997 | Architecture and identity : towards a global eco-culture / | 1 |
NA2500 .A392 2000 | Architecture and identity : responses to cultural and technological change / | 1 |
NA2500 .A392 2017 | Architecture and identity : responses to cultural and technological change / | 1 |
NA2500 .A394 1986 | Architecture as art / | 1 |