Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA2520 .O45 1990 Architecture : an invitation / 1
NA2520 .P6 The meaning of architecture : an essay in constructive criticism / 1
NA2520 .P7 The practical book of architecture / 1
NA2520 .P7513 2008 Architecture : elements, materials, forms / 1
NA2520 .R6 1926 Architecture explained / 1
NA2520 .S37 1991 Architecture : the natural and the manmade /
Architecture : the natural and the man-made /
NA2520 .T74 2013eb Treatise on architecture : including the arts of construction, building, stone-masonry, arch, carpentry, roof, joinery, and strength of materials / 1
NA2520 .V41 1949 Historia de la arquitectura / 1
NA2520 .V713 1877 Lectures on architecture / 1
NA2520 .W85 Frank Lloyd Wright on architecture : selected writings 1894-1940 / 1
NA2520 .W85 1941 Frank Lloyd Wright on architecture : selected writings, 1894-1940 / 1
NA2520 .Z87 2018 Architecture inside-out : understanding how buildings work / 1
NA2520 ebook La idea construida la arquitectura a la luz de las palabras /
Manual práctico de arquitectura legal.
NA2521 .C28 Illuminismo e architettura del '700 Veneto : 31 agosto 1969, 9 novembre, Palazzo del Monte, Castelfranco Veneto / 1
NA2521 .V8 1863a Entretiens sur l'architecture / 1
NA2522 Planning. 1
NA2522 .V6 Architectural construction ... / 1
NA2530 .A4 1966 The great tradition of Western architecture / 1
NA2540 Boredom, architecture, and spatial experience /
John Harris Lexicon technicum : incorporating works of Sir Francis Bacon and Sir Henry Wotton /
The architecture reference + specification book : everything architects need to know every day /
The component : a personal odyssey towards another normal /
Writing and publishing in architecture and design /
How to Enjoy Architecture : A Guide for Everyone
Time-saver standards for architectural design data /
Conversations With Form a Workbook for Students of Architecture.
Urban acupuncture /
Architecture and the mimetic self : a psychoanalytic study of how buildings make and break our lives /
Living architecture, living cities : soul-nourishing sustainability /
Horror in Architecture The Reanimated Edition.
Architecture and the unconscious /
The architecture of good behavior : psychology and modern institutional design in postwar America /
The hybrid practitioner building, teaching, researching architecture. /
Remote practices : architecture at a distance /
Synthesis : Texte und Collagen = Texts and Collages /
Materials, structures, and standards : all the details architects need to know but can never find /
The funambulist pamphlets.
Compendium of architectural psychology : on the design of built environments /
A landscape of architecture, history and fiction /
NA2540 .A23 A.P. 70: proceedings of the Architectural Psychology Conference at Kingston Polytechnic, September 1-4, 1970 / 1