Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA280 .G384 2012 Greek Sculpture. 1
NA280 .M5 Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings / 1
NA280 .P3 1976 The Acropolis of Athens : as described by Pausanias, other writers, inscriptions and archaeological evidence / 1
NA280 .P4 1973 An investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture, or, The results of a survey conducted chiefly with reference to the optical refinements exhibited in the construction of the ancient buildings at Athens. 1
NA280 .P5 L'Acropole : l'enceinte, l'entrée, le bastion d'Athéna Nike, les Propylées / 1
NA280 .P52 L'Acropole : le plateau supérieur, l'Érechtheion, les annexes sud / 1
NA280 .R63 1957 The Acropolis. /
The Acropolis /
NA280 .S54 2016 Trophies of victory : public building in Periklean Athens / 1
NA280 .S913 The antiqvities of Athens, measvred and delineated / 1
NA280 .S92 1892 The antiquities of Athens; and other monuments of Greece / 1
NA280 .T68 Pictorial dictionary of ancient Athens / 1
NA281 The classical parthenon : recovering the strangeness of the ancient world ; [edited by Lucy Barnes and David St Clair ; with a preface by Paul Cartledge ] / 2
NA281 .B7 Die Metopen des Parthenon. : Katalog und Untersuchung. 1
NA281 .C36 The architects of the Parthenon. 1
NA281 .C65 Le Parthénon: l'histoire, l'architecture et la sculpture. 1
NA281 .C65 1914 Le Parthénon: l'histoire, l'architecture et la sculpture. 1
NA281 .C66 2014 The Parthenon enigma / 1
NA281 .C87 2004 Parthenon / 1
NA281 .F6 L'Acropole d'Athènes, le Parthénon / 1
NA281 .G3 The Parthenon : its science of forms / 1