Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA3780 .B73 Die frühchristlichen Mosaiken in S. [i.e. Santa] Maria Maggiore zu Rom / 1
NA3780 .B87 1984 Ravenna : mosaics, monuments, and environment / 1
NA3780 .B9 1933 The mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul. : Preliminary report on the first year's work, 1931-1932. 1
NA3780 .C64 2016 Saints and spectacle : Byzantine mosaics in their cultural setting / 2
NA3780 .C66 1990 Mosaici a S. Vitale e altri restauri : il restauro in situ di mosaici parietali : atti del Convegno nazionale sul restauro in situ di mosaici parietali, Ravenna 1-3 ottobre 1990 / 1
NA3780 .D34 Der alttestamentliche Zyklus von S. Maria Maggiore in Rom : Studien zur Bildgeschichte / 1
NA3780 .D39 Byzantine mosaic decoration : aspects of monumental art in Byzantium. 1
NA3780 .D39 1955 Byzantine mosaic decoration : aspects of monumental art in Byzantium. 1
NA3780 .D4 1950b The mosaics of Norman Sicily. 1
NA3780 .D5 Byzantine mosaics in Greece, Hosios Lucas & Daphni / 1
NA3780 .G3 1967 The splendors of Byzantium / 1
NA3780 .G38 1965 Mosaïques chrétiennes du IVme au Xme siècle / 1
NA3780 .G7 Greek mosaics of the Byzantine period / 1
NA3780 .G8 Mosaïques byzantines en Italie : Torcello, Venise, Monreale, Palerme, Cefalù / 1
NA3780 .H45 1996 Zypern--byzantinische Kirchen und Klöster : Mosaiken und Fresken / 1
NA3780 .K3 Die frühchristlichen und mittelalterlichen Mosaiken in Santa Maria Maggiore zu Rom. / 1
NA3780 .K5 Israeli mosaics of the Byzantine period / 1
NA3780 .L35 Mozaiki Sofii Kievskoĭ / 1
NA3780 .M3 Mosaïques chrétiennes primitives : du IVe au VIIe siécle : Rome - Naples - Milan - Ravenne / 1
NA3780 .M34 1987 Earth and ocean : the terrestrial world in early Byzantine art / 1