NA5453 .B3 1985
Klos terkirchen in Mittelalter : die Baukunst der Reformorden im Mittelalter / |
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NA5453 .B59 2017
The framing of sacred space : the canopy and the Byzantine church / |
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NA5453 .C35 1998
Medieval architecture in Western Europe : from A.D. 300 to 1500 / |
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NA5453 .C76 2000
The architectural setting of the cult of saints in the early Christian West, c.300-1200 / |
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NA5453 .C77 2001
Gothic architecture / |
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NA5453 .D73 2002
The Romanesque fonts of northern Europe and Scandinavia / |
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NA5453 .D83 1993
La época de las catedrales : arte y sociedad, 980-1420 / |
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NA5453 .F683 2000
Gothic architecture / |
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NA5453 .K6 1978
Altaria superioria : the function and significance of the tribune-chapel in Anglo-Norman Romanesque. A problem in the relationship of liturgical requirements and architectural form / |
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NA5453 .K83 1997
Romanische Hallenkirchen in Europa / |
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NA5453 .L49 2018
The architecture of medieval churches : theology of love in practice / |
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NA5453 .M38 2005
The origins of medieval architecture : building in Europe, A.D 600-900 / |
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NA5453 .O9
Invention de l'architecture romane. |
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NA5453 .R84 1995
L'architettura religiosa nell'Impero bizantino (fine VI-IX secolo) / |
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NA5453 .S36 1999
Reverentia und magnificentia : Historizität in der Architektur Süddeutschlands, Österreichs und Böhmens vom 14. bis 17. Jahrhundert / |
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NA5453 .S39 2002
Great cathedrals / |
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NA5453 .S68 2020
The symbolism of medieval churches : an introduction / |
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NA5453 .S7
Early church art in northern Europe : with special reference to timber construction and decoration / |
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NA5453 .S95
The Gothic cathedral / |
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NA5453 .T75 1998
Handelnde Bildwerk in der Gotik : Forschungen zu den Bedeutungsschichten und der Funktion des Kirchengebäund seiner Ausstattung in der Hoch- und Spätgotik. |
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