NA5621.V5 B8
Description de San Marco. |
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NA5621.V5 B813 1983
Description of San Marco / |
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NA5621.V5 D4
The Church of San Marco in Venice : history, architecture, sculpture / |
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NA5621.V5 F67
La basilica di San Marco attraverso i suoi restauri / |
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NA5621.V5 M67 1991
I Mosaici di San Marco : iconografia dell'Antico e del Nuovo Testamento / |
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NA5621.V5 S26 1990
San Marco, the patriarchal basilica in Venice. |
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NA5621.V5 T4
Il Tesoro di San Marco / |
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NA5621.V5 T6
Mosaics of St. Mark's / |
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NA5621.V5 W45 1997
Die Reliefsäulen des Hauptaltarciboriums von San Marco in Venedig : Studien zu einer spätantiken Werkgruppe / |
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NA5621.V5 Z3
L'augusta ducale basilica dell' evangelista San Marco nell'inclita dominante di Venezia : colle notizie del suo innalzamento, sua architettura, musaici, reliquie, e preziosità ... / |
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NA5621.V57 G3 1957
San Zeno, Bible des pauvres : porte de bronze de Vérone / |
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NA5621.V673 A53 1997
Kirchen in Niederdorf / |
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NA5621.V753 C37 1994
La Cattedrale di Volterra tra maniera e riforma. |
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NA5621 V84 P38 2011
Nuns and reform art in early modern Venice : the architecture of Santi Cosma e Damiano and its decoration from Tintoretto to Tiepolo / |
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NA5624 .S7 2005
St. Peter's in the Vatican / |
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NA5651.M355 K67 1996
Das frühgotische Bergportal an St. Servatius in Maastricht / |
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NA5661 .B8 1910a
The cathedrals and churches of Belgium / |
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NA5671.A58 J36 1972
Saint-Paul's Church of Antwerp and its art treasures / |
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NA5671.L68 C45 2005
The Celestine priory at Leuven : from monastery to library / |
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NA5671.O7 A6
L'abbaye d'Orval. |
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