El patrimonio industrial en España |
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NA6420 .S73 2006
Wine by design / |
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NA6422 .A78 1985
Art + architecture + landscape : the Clos Pegase Design Competition / |
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NA6423.A9 H38 2007
Steven Holl : world of wine LOISIUM / |
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NA6423.A9 W45 2008
WeinArchitektur : vom Keller zum Kult = WineArchitecture : the winery boom / |
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NA6423.G3 G96 2001
Die KulturBrauerei im Prenzlauer Berg / |
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NA6440 .S3 2003
Schiffbau : Transformation eines Ortes = a site is transformed / |
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NA6474.B39 H33 2006
Zaha Hadid : BMW Central Building, Leipzig, Germany / |
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NA6510 .S24
Sheltered workshops : an architectural guide / |
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NA6537.S5 A429 1968
Ben Shahn : Exhibition, Kennedy Galleries October 12 through November 2, 1968. |
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NA6588 .B63 1993
Weishaupt Forum, Richard Meier : Zum neuen Weishaupt Forum-was gute Architektur sein kann : le nouveau Forum Weishaupt-un exemple de bonne architecture : on the new Weishaupt Forum-what good architecture can be / |
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NA6588 .C67 1996
Corporate housing & training facilities. |
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NA6588 .H644 2017
Das Volkshaus der Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland : Gemeinschaftsbauten zwischen Alltag und Utopie / |
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NA6589.E44 H58 1992
Hoover factory : Wallis, Gilbert and Partners / |
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NA6589.E44 N33 2006
Nach Nutzung : Kraftwerk Elbe in Vockerode : Hans Heinrich Müller Preis 2006, Vattenfall Award = Reuse : power plant Elbe in Vockerode / |
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NA6589.E44 W86 2016
Palazzos of power : central stations of the Philadelphia Electric Company, 1900-1930 / |
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NA6595.G3 V66 2022
Vom seriellen Plattenbau zur komplexen Großsiedlung. Industrieller Wohnungsbau in der DDR 1953 -1990 / |
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NA6597.N4 2008
Conservatorium van Amsterdam : architecture for the ear / |
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Building type basics for college and university facilities / |
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NA6600 .B69 2011
Towards creative learning spaces : re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory education / |
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