Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA737.H88 A4 2017 Hughesumbanhowar Architects : the architecture of Scott Hughes and John Umbanhowar / 1
NA737.I786 A4 1992 Franklin D. Israel : buildings ₊ projects / 1
NA737.I786 A4 1994 Franklin D. Israel. 1
NA737.I786 B48 1996 Drager House : Franklin D. Israel / 1
NA737.I786 S63 1998 Franklin D. Israel : la creazione del disordine / 1
NA737.J3 A4 1988 Hugh Newell Jacobsen, architect / 1
NA737.J3 A4 1994 Hugh Newell Jacobsen, architect : recent work / 1
NA737.J335 G67 2005 Romantic modernist : the life and work of Norman Jaffe, architect / 2
NA737.J34 A72 1999 Archi-Neering : Helmut Jahn, Werner Sobek / 1
NA737.J34 B5713 1996 Helmut Jahn : transparency / 1
NA737.J34 B574 2002 Helmut Jahn : architecture engineering : Helmut Jahn, Werner Sobek, Matthias Schuler / 1
NA737.J34 J34 1992 Helmut Jahn, 1982-1992 = Herumūto yān 1982-1992 / 1
NA737.J34 J64 1987 Helmut Jahn : Design einer neuen Architektur = design of a new architecture = design d'une architecture nouvelle / 1
NA737.J34 M55 1986 Helmut Jahn / 1
NA737.J355 A4 2009 Stephan Jaklitsch : habits, patterns, algorithms, 1998-2008 / 1
NA737.J4 A3 Thomas Jefferson, architect : original designs in the collection of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Junior / 1
NA737.J4 D49 2019 Thomas Jefferson, architect : Palladian models, democratic principles, and the conflict of ideals / 1
NA737.J4 ebook El arquitecto norteamericano Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) y su relación con España 1
NA737.J4 G84 1973 Mr. Jefferson, architect
Mr. Jefferson, architect /
NA737.J4 M3 Architectural drawings / 1