Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA9053.N4 V563 2012 L' invention de la Maîtrise d'oeuvre Urbaine De la Ville Nouvelle Aux Ateliers. 1
NA9053.N4 W34 1982 The architecture and planning of Milton Keynes / 1
NA9053.N4 W54 2000 WiMBY! : welcome into my backyard! / 1
NA9053 .N43 1997 Die Stalinallee : Geschichte einer deutschen Strasse / 1
NA9053.O3 C68 1969 The office; a facet of urban growth / 1
NA9053.O3 R83 2012 Insuring the city : the Prudential Center and the postwar urban landscape / 1
NA9053.P55 S6 Arcology: the city in the image of man. 1
NA9053.R4 F7 1970 Play and interplay : a manifesto for new design in urban recreational environment / 1
NA9053.R4 N67 2003 An architecture of play : a survey of London's adventure playgrounds / 1
NA9053.S4 C36 2000 Skyscrapers : an architectural type of modern urbanism / 1
NA9053.S4 L44 1986 The skyward trend of thought : five essays on the metaphysics of the American skyscraper / 1
NA9053.S4 T35 2004 Tall the American skyscraper and Louis Sullivan / 1
NA9053.S4 T35 2004 DVD Tall the American skyscraper and Louis Sullivan / 1
NA9053.S6 Datafication of public opinion and the public sphere : how extraction replaced expression of opinion /
Constructing Singapore public space /
Emerging concepts in urban space design /
Universal singular : public space design of the early 21st century /
Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji : zum Design urbaner Atmosphären /
We, the City : Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul /
The urban library : creative city branding in spaces for all /
Urban public spaces : from planned policies to everyday politics (illustrated with Brazilian case studies) /
Street-level architecture : the past, present and future of interactive frontages /
Empty spaces : perspectives on emptiness in modern history /
NA9053.S6 A34 2020 Age-inclusive public space / 1
NA9053.S6 A685 2019 Architecture, festival and the city / 1
NA9053.S6 A685 2019eb Architecture, festival and the city / 1
NA9053.S6 A76 2013eb The spaces of the hospital : spatiality and urban change in London 1680-1820 / 1
NA9053.S6 A8313 1983 The aesthetic townscape / 2
NA9053.S6 B356 2011 Public space : Cultural/political theory; street photography : an interpretation / 1