Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.14:D-4679 Calibration of 30° included-angle cone for determining local flow conditions in Mach number range of 1.51 to 3.51 / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4680 Experimental investigation of the use of soft side legs to improve touchdown stability of legged landing vehicles / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4681 Striking characteristics of the magnetron ionization gage in helium from 1.9 x 10⁻⁷ torr to 7 x 10⁻¹⁰ torr / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4682 Noise reduction by means of inlet-guide-vane choking in an axial-flow compressor / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4683 Gamma ray angular correlations following inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles from magnesium 24 / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4684 Fission neutron attenuation in lithium-6, natural lithium hydride, and tungsten / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4685 Effect of carbon dioxide and water vapor on the induction period of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4686 Effect of hinge-line bleed on heat transfer and pressure distribution over a wedge-flap combination at Mach 10.4 / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4687 Membrane analysis of scalloped shells / 2
NAS 1.14:D-4688 Aerodynamic stability characteristics of the Apollo command module / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4689 Analysis and mechanization of three- and four-gimbal systems / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4690 Turbojet-engine noise studies to evaluate effects of inlet-guide-vane--rotor spacing / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4691 A quasi-steady state analysis of the dynamic behavior of a conic body moving in a nonuniform wake / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4692 Mathematical determination of geometrical image aberrations in single- and double-mirror systems / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4693 A wind-tunnel investigation of jet-wake effect of a high-bypass engine on wing-nacelle interference drag of a subsonic transport / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4694 Influence of chemisorbed films of various gases on adhesion and friction of tungsten in vacuum / 2
NAS 1.14:D-4695 Dilution-jet mixing study for gas-turbine combustors / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4696 A vector approach to the algebra of rotations with applications / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4697 Experimental evaluation of a voltage regulator-exciter for a 15 kilovolt-ampere Brayton cycle alternator / 1
NAS 1.14:D-4698 Performance characteristics of 15 kVA homopolar inductor alternator for 400 Hz Brayton-cycle space-power system / 1