NAS 1.15:104455
Nuclear rocket propulsion NASA plans and progress--FY 1991 / |
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NAS 1.15:104456
Launch vehicle performance using metallized propellants |
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NAS 1.15:104458
Review and test of chilldown methods for space-based cryogenic tanks |
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NAS 1.15:104459
Power electronics for low power arcjets |
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NAS 1.15:104460
Small stirling dynamic isotope power system for multihundred-watt robotic missions |
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NAS 1.15:104461
Exponential integration algorithms applied to viscoplasticity |
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NAS 1.15:104462
Scaling analysis applied to the NORVEX code development and thermal energy flight experiment |
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NAS 1.15:104463
The development of a post-test diagnostic system for rocket engines |
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NAS 1.15:104464
Increased heat transfer to a cylindrical leading edge due to spanwise variations in the freestream velocity |
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NAS 1.15:104465
Magnetic bearing state of the art / |
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NAS 1.15:104466
CFD analysis of jet mixing in low NOx flametube combustors |
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NAS 1.15:104467
Coplanar waveguide feeds for phased array antennas |
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NAS 1.15:104468
High temperature NASP engine seals a technology review / |
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NAS 1.15:104469
3-D Navier-Stokes analysis of crossing, glancing shocks/turbulent boundary layer interactions |
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NAS 1.15:104470
Experimental and analytical analysis of stress-strain behavior in a [90̊/0̊]₂s, SiC/Ti-15-3 laminate |
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NAS 1.15:104471
Preliminary design of a mobile lunar power supply |
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NAS 1.15:104472
Effect of tabs on the evolution of an axisymmetric jet |
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NAS 1.15:104473
Carbon monoxide and oxygen combustion experiments a demonstration of Mars in situ propellants / |
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NAS 1.15:104474
Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) Program Boeing helicopters status report / |
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NAS 1.15:104475
Results from computational analysis of a mixed compression supersonic inlet |
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