Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:108452 Vulnerability of manned spacecraft to crew loss from orbital debris penetration 1
NAS 1.15:108453 Root-sum-square structural strength verification approach 1
NAS 1.15:108454 A case study of analysis methods for large deflections of a cantilever beam 1
NAS 1.15:108456 A users' guide to the trace contaminant control simulation computer program 1
NAS 1.15:108457 Trace contaminant control simulation computer program 1
NAS 1.15:108458 Ampoule failure sensor time response testing experiments 2 and 3 / 1
NAS 1.15:108459 A programmable heater control circuit for spacecraft Center Director's Discretionary Fund final report project no. 90-19 / 1
NAS 1.15:108460 Portable color multimedia training systems based on monochrome laptop computers (CBT-in-a-briefcase), with spinoff implications for video uplink and downlink in spaceflight operations 1
NAS 1.15:108461 Effect of microgravity on crystallization of ZBLAN fibers 1
NAS 1.15:108462 Dynamics Explorer 1, retarding ion mass spectrometer summary spectrograms 81/280 to 81/365 spin-time spectrograms for H[+], He[+], O[+], N[+], O[++], M/Z=2, and molecular ions. 1
NAS 1.15:108463 Finite element analysis of a composite wheelchair wheel design 1
NAS 1.15:108464 Inner magnetosphere imager (IMI) solar terrestrial probe class mission preliminary design study report 1
NAS 1.15:108465 Statistical design study of lunar ceramic 1
NAS 1.15:108466 New directions in phthalocyanine pigments 1
NAS 1.15:108467 STS propellant densification feasibility study data book 1
NAS 1.15:108468 Dynamics Explorer 1, retarding ion mass spectrometer summary spectrograms 82/001 to 82/109 spin-time spectrograms for H[+], He[+], O[+], N[+], O[++], M/Z=2, and molecular ions. 1
NAS 1.15:108469 Metrication in a global environment 1
NAS 1.15:108472 Vehicle health management using adaptive techniques CDDF final report (no. 92-12) / 1
NAS 1.15:108473 Analytical control test plan and microbiological methods for the water recovery test 1
NAS 1.15:108474 Guidelines for qualifying cleaning and verification materials 1