Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:209654 Numerical analysis of the trailblazer inlet flowfield for hypersonic Mach numbers
Numerical analysis of the trailblazer inlet flowfield for hypersonic Mach numbers /
NAS 1.15:209655 Evaluation of the Tone Fan Noise Design/Prediction System (TFaNS) at the NASA Glenn Research Center
Evaluation of the Tone Fan Noise Design/Prediction System (TFaNS) at the NASA Glenn Research Center /
NAS 1.15:209656 Solar Stirling for deep space applications /
Solar Stirling for deep space applications
NAS 1.15:209657 Rare earth optical temperature sensor
Rare earth optical temperature sensor /
NAS 1.15:209658 Noise computation of a shock-containing supersonic axisymmetric jet by the CE/SE method
Noise computation of a shock-containing supersonic axisymmetric jet by the CE/SE method /
NAS 1.15:209677 Summary report of mission acceleration measurements for STS-95 launched October 19, 1998 / 1
NAS 1.15:209678 SmaggIce, surface modeling and grid generation for iced airfoils phase 1 results /
SmaggIce : surface modeling and grid generation for iced airfoils, phase I results /
NAS 1.15:209681 Degradation of continuous fiber ceramic matrix composites under constant-load conditions 1
NAS 1.15:209682 A deployable primary mirror for space telescopes /
A deployable primary mirror for space telescopes
NAS 1.15:209684 Evaluation of pressurization fatigue life of 1441 Al-Li fuselage panel
Evaluation of pressurization fatigue life of 1441 Al-Li fuselage panel /
NAS 1.15:209685 Thermal nondestructive characterization of corrosion in boiler tubes by application of a moving line heat source 1
NAS 1.15:209689 Temperature control of avalanche photodiode using thermoelectric cooler
Temperature control of avalanche photodiode using thermoelectric cooler /
NAS 1.15:209700 Subsonic investigation of a leading-edge boundary layer control suction system on a high-speed civil transport configuration /
Subsonic investigation of a leading-edge boundary layer cont[r]ol suction system on a high-speed civil transport configuration
NAS 1.15:209701 Subsonic investigation of leading-edge flaps designed for vortex- and attached-flow on a high-speed civil transport configuration
Subsonic investigation of leading-edge flaps designed for vortex- and attached-flow on a high-speed civil transport configuration /
NAS 1.15:209702 Low-speed stability-and-control and ground-effects measurements on the industry reference high speed civil transport
Low-speed stability-and-control and ground-effects measurements on the industry reference high speed civil transport /
NAS 1.15:209703 Low-speed aerodynamic data for an 0.18-scale model of an F-16XL with various leading-edge modifications
Low-speed aerodynamic data for an 0.18-scale model of an F-16XL with various leading-edge modifications /
NAS 1.15:209705 Signal prediction with input identification /
Signal prediction with input identification
NAS 1.15:209707 Investigating interruptions implications for flightdeck performance /
Investigating interruptions : implications for flightdeck performance /
NAS 1.15:209710 Raman shifting a tunable ArF excimer laser to wavelengths of 190 to 240 nm with a forced convection Raman cell
Raman shifting a tunable ArF excimer laser to wavelengths of 190 to 240 nm with a forced convection Raman cell /
NAS 1.15:209711 Optimized system identification
Optimized system identification /