Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 62 BOREAS RSS-14 level 1a GOES-7 visible, IR, and water vapor images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 63 BOREAS RSS-14 level-2 GOES-7 shortwave and longwave radiation images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 64 BOREAS RSS-14 level-3 gridded radiometer and satellite surface radiation images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 65 BOREAS RSS-14 level-1 GOES-8 visible, IR and water vapor images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 66 BOREAS RSS-14 level-1a GOES-8 visible, IR and water vapor images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 67 BOREAS RSS-15 SIR-C and Landsat TM biomass and landcover maps of the NSA 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 68 BOREAS RSS-16 AIRSAR CM images integrated processor version 6.1 level-3b / 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 69 BOREAS RSS-16 level-3b DC-8 AIRSAR SY images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 70 BOREAS RSS-17 dielectric constant profile measurements 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 71 BOREAS RSS-17 stem, soil, and air temperature data 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 72 BOREAS RSS-17 xylem flux density measurements at the SSA-OBS site 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 73 BOREAS RSS-17 1994 ERS-1 level-3 freeze/thaw backscatter change images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 74 BOREAS RSS-18 level-1b AVIRIS imagery at-sensor radiance in BIL format / 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 75 BOREAS RSS-19 1994 CASI at-sensor radiance and reflectance images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 76 BOREAS RSS-19 1996 CASI at-sensor radiance and reflectance images 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 77 BOREAS RSS-19 1994 seasonal understory reflectance data 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 78 BOREAS RSS-20 POLDER C-130 measurements of surface BRDF 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 79 BOREAS RSS-20 POLDER helicopter-mounted measurements of surface BRDF 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 80 BOREAS RSS-20 POLDER radiance images from the NASA C-130 1
NAS 1.15:209891/VOL 81 BOREAS level-0 AOCI imagery digital counts in BIL format / 1