Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:3107 Boundary-layer transition on a plate subjected to simultaneous spanwise and chordwise pressure gradients / 1
NAS 1.15:3108 Control system design using frequency domain models and parameter optimization, with application to supersonic inlet controls / 1
NAS 1.15:3109 Calculation of the pressure distribution on axisymmetric boattails including effects of viscous interactions and exhaust jets in subsonic flow / 1
NAS 1.15:3110 Cold-flow performance of several variations of a ram-air-cooled plug nozzle for supersonic-cruise aircraft / 1
NAS 1.15:3111 Centaur feedline dynamics study using power spectral methods / 1
NAS 1.15:3112 In situ mass analysis of particles by surface-ionization mass spectrometry / 1
NAS 1.15:3113 Statistical summary of air-quality data for metropolitan Cleveland, Ohio, 1967-1972 : total suspended particulates, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide / 1
NAS 1.15:3114 Theoretical surface velocity distributions on acoustic splitter geometries for an engine inlet / 1
NAS 1.15:3115 Aerodynamic roll damping of a T-tail transport configuration / 1
NAS 1.15:3116 Fabrication of liquid-rocket thrust chambers by electroforming / 1
NAS 1.15:3117 Effect of primary-zone equivalence ratio and hydrogen addition on exhaust emission in a hydrocarbon-fueled combustor / 1
NAS 1.15:3119 Experimental evaluation of compliant surfaces at low speeds / 1
NAS 1.15:3120 Gust generator for a supersonic wind tunnel / 1
NAS 1.15:3121 Flight Reynolds number effects on a fighter-type, circular-arc - 19ĚŠ conic boattail nozzle at subsonic speeds / 1
NAS 1.15:3122 A cascade investigation of a convection- and film-cooled turbine vane made from radially stacked laminates / 1
NAS 1.15:3123 High-response on-line gas analysis system for hydrogen-reaction combustion products / 1
NAS 1.15:3124 Aerodynamic size distribution of suspended particulate matter in the ambient air in the city of Cleveland, Ohio / 1
NAS 1.15:3125 Fail-safe system for actively cooled supersonic and hypersonic aircraft / 1
NAS 1.15:3126 Measurements of sonic booms generated by an airplane flying at Mach 3.5 and 4.8 / 1
NAS 1.15:3127 Modifications that improve performance of a double annular combustor at simulated engine idle conditions / 1