Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:4008 Antarctic field tests of SARSAT personal locater beacons
Antarctic field tests of SARSAT personal locater beacons /
NAS 1.15:4009 Semiempirical method for prediction of aerodynamic forces and moments on a steadily spinning light airplane
Semiempirical method for prediction of aerodynamic forces and moments on a steadily spinning light airplane /
NAS 1.15:4010 Integration of altitude and airspeed information into a primary flight display via moving-tape formats evaluation during random tracking task /
Integration of altitude and airspeed information into a primary flight display via moving-tape formats : evaluation during random tracking task /
NAS 1.15:4011 Tutorial and hands-on demonstration of a fluent interpreter for CARE III
Tutorial and hands-on demonstration of a fluent interpreter for CARE III /
NAS 1.15:4012 Interactive application of quadratic expansion of chi-square statistics to nonlinear curve fitting
Interactive application of quadratic expansion of chi-square statistic to nonlinear curve fitting /
NAS 1.15:4013 Cryogenic wind tunnels a selected, annotated bibliography / 1
NAS 1.15:4014 Analysis of the bivariate parameter wind differences between Jimsphere and Windsonde
Analysis of the bivariate parameter wind differences between Jimsphere and Windsonde /
NAS 1.15:4015 Wall interference tests of a CAST 10-2/DOA 2 airfoil in an adaptive-wall test section
Wall interference tests of a CAST 10-2/DOA 2 airfoil in an adaptive-wall test section /
NAS 1.15:4016 Potential for on-orbit manufacture of large space structures using the pultrusion process 1
NAS 1.15:4017 Pultrusion process development for long space boom model 1
NAS 1.15:4018 Integration effects of D-shaped, underwing, aft-mounted, separate- flow, flow-through nacelles on a high-wing transport
Integration effects of D-shaped, underwing, aft-mounted, separate-flow, flow-through nacelles on a high-wing transport /
NAS 1.15:4019 An improved model of the Earth's gravitational field : *GEM-T1* /
An improved model of the earth's gravitational field GEM-T1 /
NAS 1.15:4020 Development of a technique for estimating noise covariances using multiple observers
Development of a technique for estimating noise covariances using multiple observers /
NAS 1.15:4023 Global meteorological data facility for real-time field experiments support and guidance /
Global meteorological data facility for real-time field experiments support and guidance
NAS 1.15:4024 Acoustic measurements from a rotor blade-vortex interaction noise experiment in the German-Dutch wind tunnel (DNW) / 2
NAS 1.15:4026 Delamination stresses in semicircular laminated composite bars /
Delamination stresses in semicircular laminated composite bars
NAS 1.15:4027 On the diagnostic emulation technique and its use in the AIRLAB
On the diagnostic emulation technique and its use in the AIRLAB /
NAS 1.15:4028 An efficient sparse matrix multiplication scheme for the CYBER 205 computer
An efficient sparse matrix multiplication scheme for the CYBER 205 computer /
NAS 1.15:4030 Non-Newtonian gravity or gravity anomalies?
Non-Newtonian gravity or gravity anomalies? /
NAS 1.15:4031 Investigation of Super*Zip separation joint
Investigation of Super*Zip separation joint /