Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:4720 A historical overview of flight flutter testing / 1
NAS 1.15:4721 Least squares best fit method for the three parameter Weibull distribution : analysis of tensile and bend specimens with volume or surface flaw failure / 1
NAS 1.15:4722 Design and development of an F/A-18 inlet distortion rake : a cost and time saving solution / 1
NAS 1.15:4724 Progressive Damage Analysis of Laminated Composite (PDALC) : a computational model implemented in the NASA COMET finite element code /
Progressive Damage Analysis of Laminated Composite (PDALC)--a computational model implemented in the NASA COMET finite element code
NAS 1.15:4726 Subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of a circular body Earth-to-orbit vehicle /
Subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of a circular body earth-to-orbit vehicle
NAS 1.15:4727 Pilot evaluations of runway status light system
Pilot evaluations of runway status light system /
NAS 1.15:4728 A dynamic response model for pressure sensors in continuum and high Knudsen number flows with large temperature gradients 1
NAS 1.15:4729 Dynamic analysis with stress mode animation by the integrated force method /
Dynamic analysis with stress mode animation by the integrated force method
NAS 1.15:4736 Acoustic survey of a 3/8-scale automotive wind tunnel 1
NAS 1.15:4737 Second United States microgravity payload : one year report /
Second United States microgravity payload one year report /
NAS 1.15:4738 Unsteady velocity measurements taken behind a model helicopter rotor hub in forward flight /
Unsteady velocity measurements taken behind a model helicopter rotor hub in forward flight
NAS 1.15:4741 Computer program to obtain ordinates for NACA airfoils /
Computer program to obtain ordinates for NACA airfoils
NAS 1.15:4742 Characterization of multilayer piezoelectric actuators for use in active isolation mounts / 2
NAS 1.15:4744 A comparison of two control display unit concepts on flight management system training /
A comparison of two control display unit concepts on flight management system training
NAS 1.15:4745 Development and flight test of an augmented thrust-only flight control system on an MD- 11 transport airplane /
Development and flight test of an augmented thrust-only flight control system on an MD-11 transport airplane
NAS 1.15:4746 Flight test of a propulsion-based emergency control system on the MD-11 airplane with emphasis on the lateral axis /
Flight test of a propulsion-based emergency control system on the MD-11 airplane with emphasis on the lateral axis
NAS 1.15:4747 Structural dynamic model obtained from flight for use with piloted simulation and handling qualities analysis /
Structural dynamic model obtained from flight use with piloted simulation and handling qualities analysis
NAS 1.15:4749 Wind-tunnel development of an SR-71 aerospike rocket flight test configuration /
Wind-tunnel development of an SR-71 aerospike rocket flight test configuration
NAS 1.15:4750 Utilizing GPS to determine ionospheric delay over the ocean 1
NAS 1.15:4752 Biomechanically induced and controller coupled oscillations experienced on the F-16XL aircraft during rolling maneuvers /
Biomechanically induced and controller coupled oscillations experienced on the F-16XL aircraft during rolling maneuvers