Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:78487 Aerodynamic properties of a flat plate with cavity for optical-propagation studies /
Aerodynamic properties of a flat plate with cavity for optical-propagation studies
NAS 1.15:78502 Airfoil design by numerical optimization using a minicomputer / 1
NAS 1.15:78503 Effects of upper surface modification on the aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA 632-215 airfoil section / 1
NAS 1.15:78510 Meteor ablation spheres from deep-sea sediments / 1
NAS 1.15:78533 Investigation of the asymmetric aerodynamic characteristics of cylindrical bodies of revolution with variations in nose geometry and rotational orientation at angles of attack to 58ånd Mach numbers to 2 / 1
NAS 1.15:78534 Aerodynamic interactions from reaction controls for lateral control of the M2-F2 lifting-body entry configuration at transonic and supersonic mach numbers / 1
NAS 1.15:78545 An overview of the quiet short-haul research aircraft program / 1
NAS 1.15:78556 Viscosity and thermal conductivity of model Jupiter atmospheres / 1
NAS 1.15:78559 An advanced cockpit instrumentation system : the coordinated cockpit display / 1
NAS 1.15:78566 Leading-edge slat optimization for maximum airfoil lift / 1
NAS 1.15:78591 V/STOLAND avionics system flight-test data on a UH-1H helicopter / 1
NAS 1.15:78613 An assessment of future computer system needs for large-scale computation / 1
NAS 1.15:78630 Trace elemental characteristics of aerosols emitted from municipal incinerators / 1
NAS 1.15:78631 Design of microstrip disk antenna arrays / 1
NAS 1.15:78633 A computer program for analyzing unresolved Mossbauer hyperfine spectra / 1
NAS 1.15:78635 Influence of free-stream disturbances on boundary-layer transition / 1
NAS 1.15:78636 Numerical analyses for treating diffusion in single-, two-, and three-phass binary alloy systems / 1
NAS 1.15:78637 Operational experience in the Langley Expansion Tube with various testy gases / 1
NAS 1.15:78638 Dynamic wind-tunnel tests of an aeromechanical gust-alleviation system using several different combinations of control surfaces / 1
NAS 1.15:78643 Toughening of graphite-epoxy composites by interlaminar perforated Mylar films / 1