NAS 1.15:86736
Development of control laws for a flight test maneuver autopilot for an F-15 aircraft |
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NAS 1.15:86737
Development and validation of a general purpose linearization program for rigid aircraft models |
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NAS 1.15:86738
Flight test experience and controlled impact of a large, four-engine, remotely piloted airplane |
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NAS 1.15:86739
Design of an expert-system flight status monitor |
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NAS 1.15:86740
Design and initial application of the extended aircraft interrogation and display system multiprocessing ground support equipment for digital flight systems / |
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NAS 1.15:86741
Modified U.S. Army U-8F ground vibration test |
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NAS 1.15:86742
Ground vibration test and flutter analysis of air sampling probe |
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NAS 1.15:86743
Water tunnel flow visualization using a laser |
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NAS 1.15:86744
In-flight evaluation of pure time delays in pitch and roll |
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NAS 1.15:86745
Augmentor performance of an F100 engine model derivative engine in an F-15 airplane |
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NAS 1.15:86746
Expert systems development and application |
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NAS 1.15:86748
Performance improvements of a highly integrated digital electronic control system for an F-15 airplane |
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NAS 1.15:86749
Identification of unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelastic integro-differential systems |
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NAS 1.15:86750
Symbolic generation of elastic rotor blade equations using a FORTRAN processor and numerical study on dynamic inflow effects on the stability of helicopter rotors |
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NAS 1.15:86751
Analysis of the free-tip rotor wind-tunnel test results |
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NAS 1.15:86752
Implicit finite-difference code for a two-equation turbulence model for three-dimensional flows |
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NAS 1.15:86753
Generation of three-dimensional body-fitted coordinates using hyperbolic partial differential equations |
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NAS 1.15:86754
Effect of ground and/or ceiling planes on thrust of rotors in hover |
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NAS 1.15:86755
A simulation investigation of Scout/Attack helicopter directional control requirements for hover and low-speed tasks |
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NAS 1.15:86756
NASA Developmental Biology Workshop, Arlington, Virginia, May 1984 |
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