Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.18:EX 8 Glast science writer's guide exploring the extreme universe / 1
NAS 1.18:F 11 Facilities drafting manual. 1
NAS 1.18:F 11/2 Facilities engineering handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:F 11/2/974 Facilities engineering handbook / 1
NAS 1.18:F 11/3 Facility project implementation handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:F 11/3/993 Facility project implementation handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:F 47 NASA uniform files index. 1
NAS 1.18:F 49 Financial reporting for government-owned/contractor-held property and space hardware. 1
NAS 1.18:F 61 Flammability, odor, and offgassing requirements and test procedures for materials in environments that support combustion. 1
NAS 1.18:F 61/974 Flammability, odor, and offgassing requirements and test procedures for materials in environments that support combustion. 1
NAS 1.18:F 64 A Guide to KSC. 1
NAS 1.18:G 13 Galileo, the tour guide (and a summary of the mission to date) / 1
NAS 1.18:G 13/2 Active galaxies educational unit : an educator's guide with activities in science and mathematics / 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/2 NASA grant handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/3 NASA grant and cooperative agreement handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/3-981 NASA grant and cooperative agreement handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/3/983 NASA grant and cooperative agreement handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/3/2000 Grant and cooperative agreement handbook. 1
NAS 1.18:G 76/3/inst.2  
NAS 1.18:G 76/4 Research grant handbook. 1