NAS 1.21:3078
Tables for supersonic flow of helium around right circular cones at zero angle of attack / |
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NAS 1.21:3079
Nondestructive evaluation technique guide / |
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NAS 1.21:3080
Handbook of infrared radiation from combustion gases / |
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NAS 1.21:3081
Auroral bremsstrahlung at balloon altitudes / |
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NAS 1.21:3082
Revised tables of airspeed, altitude, and Mach number presented in the international system of units / |
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NAS 1.21:3083
ASRDI oxygen technology survey. |
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NAS 1.21:3084
ASRDI oxygen technology survey. |
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NAS 1.21:3085/976/
Table and charts of equilibrium normal-shock properties for hydrogen-helium mixtures with velocities to 70 km/sec / |
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NAS 1.21:3086
Near-infrared spectra of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus / |
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NAS 1.21:3087
Table and charts of equilibrium normal-shock properties for pure hydrogen with velocities to 70 km/sec / |
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NAS 1.21:3088
Thermodynamic and related properties of parahydrogen from the triple point to 300 K at pressures to 1000 bar / |
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NAS 1.21:3089
Hydrogen technological survey--thermophysical properties / |
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NAS 1.21:3090
ASRDI oxygen technology survey. |
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NAS 1.21:3091
Synoptic analyses, 5-, 2-, and O.4-millibar surfaces for January 1972 through June 1973 : a joint NASA-NOAA publication prepared for NASA Wallops Flight Center by the staff, Upper Air Branch, National Weather Service, Camp Springs, Maryland under Wallops Flight Center purchase order number P-55946(G) |
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NAS 1.21:3092
ASRDI oxygen technology survey. |
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NAS 1.21:3093
Normal- and oblique-shock flow parameters in equilibrium air : including attached-shock solutions for surfaces at angles of attack, sweep, and dihedral / |
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NAS 1.21:3094
Spacecraft materials guide / |
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NAS 1.21:3095
Diurnal experiment data report, March 19-20, 1974 / |
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NAS 1.21:3096
Molecular physics of equilibrium gases : a handbook for engineers / |
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NAS 1.21:3097
Tables and charts of equilibrium thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide for temperatures from 100K to 25,000K / |
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