Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:177023 A study of the factors affecting boundary layer two-dimensionality in wind tunnels 1
NAS 1.26:177025 Multivariable control of a twin lift helicopter system using the LOG/LTR design methodology 1
NAS 1.26:177026 Dynamics insulation systems 1
NAS 1.26:177027 Dynamics and control of flexible spacecraft during and after slewing maneuvers NASA grantee semi-annual progress report / 1
NAS 1.26:177028 An experimental and analytical investigation of isolated rotor flap-lag stability in forward flight paper no. 66, September 10-13, 1985 / 1
NAS 1.26:177030 Model-based approaches for partitioning subjective wokload assessments a final technical report. 1
NAS 1.26:177031 Structural characterization and gas reactions of small metal particles by high resolution in-situ TEM and TED semi-annual technical report for the period, July 1, 1985 - September 30, 1985, NSDS-grant NCC2-283 / 1
NAS 1.26:177032 Analytical investigation of rotor wake formation and geometry progress report for NASA grant NAG-2-275 for period April 15, 1985 - October 15, 1985 / 1
NAS 1.26:177033 High resolution surface analysis by Microarea Auger analysis computerization and characterization / 1
NAS 1.26:177034 Semi-annual report to NASA-Ames Research Center, grant award no. NAG 2-304, for a survey of the state of the art and focused research in range systems Task II / 1
NAS 1.26:177035 Aerodynamics of seeing on large transport aircraft progress report, December 1, 1985 through May 31, 1986 / 1
NAS 1.26:177036 The effects of expressivity and flight task on cockpit communication and resource management final report / 1
NAS 1.26:177037 High accuracy heat capacity measurements through the Lambda transition of helium with very high temperature resolution final report. 1
NAS 1.26:177039 Cellular solidification of transparent monotectics semi-annual report / 1
NAS 1.26:177041 Space infrared telescope facility witde field and diffraction limited array camera (IRAC) semiannual status report no. 4 for the period 1 March 1986 through 31 August 1986 / 1
NAS 1.26:177042 Emission of methane and other trace gases from the Amazon varzea
Emission of methane and other trace gases from the Amazon Varzea final report, Grant #NAGW-711, University of Washington #62-7518, period of Grant: January 1, 1985 - December 31, 1986 /
NAS 1.26:177044 The uncounted benefits federal efforts in domestic technology transfer / 1
NAS 1.26:177045 Tectonic evaluation of the Nubian shield of northeastern Sudan using thematic mapper imagery second interim report. 1
NAS 1.26:177055 Third-moment closure of turbulence for predictions of separating and reattaching shear flows final report on "A study of Reynolds-Stress Closure Model" / 1
NAS 1.26:177058 Characterization of the relationship of the cure cycle chemistry to cure cycle processing properties semi-annual report, NASA research grant NAG 1-237 / 1