NAS 1.26:181334
The calibration of photographic and spectroscopic films semi-annual report, May 1, 1987 - October 30, 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181335
An experimental study of fault propagation in a jet-engine controller |
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NAS 1.26:181336
Three dimensional boundary layers in internal flows |
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NAS 1.26:181337
Modelling directional soldification fourth semi-annual progress report, 1 March 1987 to 31 August 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181339
The calibration of photographic and spectroscopic films the utilization of the digital image processor in the determination of aging of the surf clam (Spisula solidissima) : semi-annual report, May 1, 1987 - October 30, 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181340
Surface characterization in composite and titanium bonding carbon fiber surface treatments for improved adhesion to thermoplastic polymers / |
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NAS 1.26:181341
Implementation and validation of a wake model for low-speed forward flight final technical report, October 1, 1986 to September 30, 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181342
Application of the mobility power flow approach to structural response from distributed loading |
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NAS 1.26:181343
Variational approach to probabilistic finite elements final report to NASA Lewis Research Center, grant no. NAG 3-535, May 1, 1984 to August 31, 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181344
Growth hormone secretion during space flight and evaluation of the physiological responses of animals held in the research animal holding facility final report covering the period March 1982-July 1986 / |
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NAS 1.26:181345
The origin of channels and associated deposits in the Elysium region of Mars final technical report, NASA grant NAGW 537 / |
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NAS 1.26:181347
Theoretical and material studies on thin-film electroluminescent devices fourth six-monthly report for the period 1 October 1986 - 31 March 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181348
Preparation of bis[4-(3,4 dimethylene-pyrrolidyl)-phenyl] methane as a high temperature reactive oligomer |
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NAS 1.26:181349
Growth factor involvement in tension-induced skeletal muscle growth semi-annual status report ... April 1, 1987 - September 31, 1987 / |
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NAS 1.26:181350
Final report of NASA research grant entitled Directional reflectance modeling of non-homogeneous plant canopies September 16, 1987 [i.e. 1986] - September 15, 1986 [i.e. 1987] / |
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NAS 1.26:181351
Net current measurements and secondary electron emission characteristics of the Voyager plasma science experiment and their impact on data interpretation |
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NAS 1.26:181352
Automatic determination of fault effects on aircraft functionality semi-annual progress report, February 17 - August 17, 1989 / |
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NAS 1.26:181354
Toward comparing experiment and theory for corroborative research on hingeless rotor stability in forward flight final technical report under NASA-Ames cooperative agreement no. NCC 2-361 (August 1, 1985 - July 31, 1987) / |
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NAS 1.26:181356
Center for the Development of Commercial Crystal Growth in Space annual report, September 1, 1987 to August 31, 1988. |
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NAS 1.26:181357
Modelling of hydrogen-air diffusion flame semi-annual report / |
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