NAS 1.26:183164
Dynamic interpretation of geoid anomalies, April 15, 1983 - April 14, 1988 final report / |
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NAS 1.26:183165
Power flow analysis of two coupled plates with arbitrary characteristics fourth semi-annual report, grant number NAG-1-685 / |
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NAS 1.26:183166
Vibrational power flow analysis of rods and beams |
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NAS 1.26:183167
The dynamics of the Venus ionosphere |
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NAS 1.26:183168
Computed potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions semi-annual report for cooperative agreement NCC2-478 for the period January 1, 1988-June 30, 1988 / |
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NAS 1.26:183169
A compilation of information and data on the Manson Impact Structure |
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NAS 1.26:183171
Direct solar-pumped iodine laser amplifier semiannual progress report, period covered, March 1, 88 - Aug 31, 88 / |
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NAS 1.26:183172
An approach to CMG steering using feedback linearization |
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NAS 1.26:183174
Queuing network models for parallel processing of task systems an operational approach / |
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NAS 1.26:183175
Performance predictions of concurrent systems |
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NAS 1.26:183176
Partitioning of regular computation on multiprocessor systems |
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NAS 1.26:183177
Dynamic resource allocation in a hierarchical multiprocessor system a preliminary study / |
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NAS 1.26:183178
Helicopter tail rotor blade-vortex interaction noise final technical report / |
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NAS 1.26:183179
Micromechanics of composite laminate compression failures |
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NAS 1.26:183181
Interferometric tomography of continuous fields with incomplete projections Soyoung S. Cha and Hogwei Sun. |
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NAS 1.26:183182
Reaction dynamics of H + O₂ at 1.6 eV collicsion energy |
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NAS 1.26:183183
Final technical report on protein crystal growth in low gravity ... for the period January 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988 |
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NAS 1.26:183184
Analysis and use of VAS satellite data final report / |
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NAS 1.26:183185
Use of Landsat images of vegetation cover to estimate effective hydraulic properties of soils |
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NAS 1.26:183186
Earth rotation and core topography, July 15, 1986 - September 14, 1987 |
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