Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NAS 1.26:183133 | Outward to the beginning the CRAF and Cassini missions of the Mariner Mark II program. | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183136 | Scanning electron microscopy study of adhesion in sea urchin blastulae | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183137 | Immunofluorescence localization of dissociation supernatant and extracellular matrix components in lytechinus pictus sectioned embryos | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183139 | Semi-microdroplet assay for cell adhesion molecules | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183142 | Coordinated study of solar-terrestrial observatory (STO) payloads on space station | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183143 | Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flows with engineering applications | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183144 | Finite element methodology for integrated flow-thermal-structural analyses | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183145 | Characterization of elastic-plastic properties of AS4/APC-2 thermoplastic composite | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183146 | Wilson cycle studies NASA grant NAG5-585 : semi-annual report, January 14, 1988 to July 15, 1988. | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183148 | Use of remote sensing for land use policy formulation final report / | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183149 | Basic research for the geodynamics program ... semiannual status reports / | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183151 | Final report for the proposal for a zero-gravity toilet facility for the space station | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183152 | An experimental study of an adaptive-wall wind tunnel | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183153 |
Lunar drill footplate & casing Lunar drill footplate and casing ME 4182 Mechanical Design Engineering, NASA/University Advanced Design Program / |
2 |
NAS 1.26:183154 |
Rod gripper, changer, and storage system ME 4182 final report / Rod gripper, changer, and storage system ME 4182 final report, March 8. 1989 / |
2 |
NAS 1.26:183156 | C IV fluxes from the sun as a star and the correlation with magnetic flux final report / | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183157 | Extended atmospheres of outer planet satellites and comets | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183159 | An experimental study of the effect of pitch rate on delta wing aerodynamics and stability for the period April 1, 1986 - June 30, 1988 / | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183161 | Geometric modeling for computer aided design | 1 |
NAS 1.26:183163 | Dynamics Explorer guest investigator final report. | 1 |