Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:186867 Assembly via disassembly a case in machine perceptual development /
Assembly via disassembly: A case in machine perceptual development
NAS 1.26:186868 Gravity wave innitiated convection 1
NAS 1.26:186869  
NAS 1.26:186870 Ignition and combustion characteristics of metallized propellants semi-annual report (January 1990-June 1990) / 2
NAS 1.26:186871 Scattering from coated structures and antenna pattern control using impedance surfaces semiannual progress report.
Scattering from coated structures and antenna pattern control using impedance surfaces, semiannual progress report Part A/B: February 1, 1990 - July 31, 1990 /
NAS 1.26:186872 Computer module used to calculate the horizontal control surface size of a conceptual aircraft design
A computer module used to calculate the horizontal control surface size of a conceputal aircraft design
NAS 1.26:186873 Interaction of acoustic waves generated by coupled plate
Interaction of acoustic waves generated by coupled plate progress report, grant number NAG-1-1077 /
NAS 1.26:186877 Computed potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions 1
NAS 1.26:186878 Guidance and control strategies for aerospace vehicles final report for the period ended July 31, 1990 /
Guidance and control strategies for aerospace vehicles
NAS 1.26:186879 Aircraft interior noise reduction by alternate resonance tuning progress report for the period ending June, 1990 / 1
NAS 1.26:186880 DSIM: A Distributed Simulator
DSIM, a distributed simulator final report for NASA grant NCA-2-385 /
NAS 1.26:186881 Theoretical investigation of gas-surface interactions periodic research report, cooperative agreement NCC2-552 for the period February 1, 1989 - May 31, 1990 / 1
NAS 1.26:186882 Theory of biaxial graded-index optical fiber
Theory of biaxial graded-index optical fiber /
NAS 1.26:186883 Theory of circular dielectric waveguide with anisotropic sheet cover 2
NAS 1.26:186884 Analysis and design of algorithm-based fault-tolerant systems 2
NAS 1.26:186885 Experimental fault characterization of a neural network 2
NAS 1.26:186886 Economical graphics display system for flight simulation avionics final report with recommendations.
Economical graphics display system for flight simulation avionics final report.
NAS 1.26:186887 Analysis and mitigation of numerical dissipation in inviscid and viscid computation of vortex-dominated flows final report for the period February 1988 to November 1988 / 2
NAS 1.26:186888 Remote sensing of Earth terrain period covered January 1, 1990- June 30, 1990 /
Remote sensing of Earth terrain progress report, January 1, 1990 - June 30, 1990 /
NAS 1.26:186890 DEPEND a design environment for prediction and evaluation of system dependability / 1