Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:199974 Annual progress report ... entitled An experimental investigation of the flow physics of high-lift systems, for the period March-December 1995 1
NAS 1.26:199975 Supersonic laminar flow control research semiannual report #4, July 1995-December 1995 / 1
NAS 1.26:199977 NASA multidisciplinary design and analysis fellowship program year 1 interim results, January 1995 - September 1995 : year 1 interim report. 1
NAS 1.26:199978 Application of linear array imaging techniques to the real-time inspection of airframe structures and substuctures annual progress report, March 15, 1995 - October 31, 1995 / 1
NAS 1.26:199981 Optical fiber sensors for damage analysis in aerospace materials final report / 1
NAS 1.26:199982 An experimental investigation of flow-induced oscillations of the BrĂ¼el & Kjaer in-flow microphone 1
NAS 1.26:199983 Spaceflight and immune responses of Rhesus monkeys progress report, Ja[n]uary - December, 1995 / 1
NAS 1.26:199987 The abundances of major elements in cas a and tycho supernova remnants : final report / 1
NAS 1.26:199996 Three-dimensional ring current decay model 1
NAS 1.26:199997 Two-stream modeling of plasmaspheric refilling 1
NAS 1.26:199998 Magnetospheric filter effect for Pc 3 Alfven mode waves 1
NAS 1.26:199999 Detectability of electrostatic decay products in Ulysses and Galileo observations of type III solar radio sources 1
NAS 1.26:200000 HC1 absorption toward Sagittarius B2 1
NAS 1.26:200001 New insights into nonradiative heating in late a star chromospheres 1
NAS 1.26:200002 Testing the DC-electric field model in a solar flare observed by Yohkoh and the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory 1
NAS 1.26:200003 The galactic distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons in the diffuse interstellar medium 1
NAS 1.26:200004 An atlas of H[alpha]-emitting regions in M 33 a systematic search for SS433 star candidates / 1
NAS 1.26:200007 Ignition and combustion of bulk metals at normal, elevated, and reduced gravity annual technical report, NASA grant no. NAG-3-1685 / 1
NAS 1.26:200009 Instrument technology for magnetosphere plasma imaging from high earth orbit design of a radio plasma sounder / 1
NAS 1.26:200012