NAS 1.26:205479
A study of convergence of the PMARC matrices applicable to WICS calculations final report, NASA Cooperative Agreement no.: NCC 2-937 / |
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NAS 1.26:205481
Effects of centrifuge diameter & operation on rodent adaptation to chronic centrifugation final report, NAG2-795 / |
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NAS 1.26:205482
Multiplexed holographic data storage in bacteriorhodopsin first year performance report / |
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NAS 1.26:205484
Effects of mistuning on the forced response of turbomachinery rotors a final report ... grant NAG3-1163 / |
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NAS 1.26:205485
Bio-optical properties of the Arabian Sea as determined by in situ and Sea WiFS data final report prepared under NASA grant NAGW-2154, 1 February 1993 - 30 April 1997 / |
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NAS 1.26:205486
Parallelization of the implicit RPLUS algorithm final report, NASA grant NAG 3-1472 / |
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NAS 1.26:205487
Large Area X-ray Spectroscopy mission annual report #2 for the period 15 September 1996 through 14 September 1997, NASA grant NAG8-1198 / |
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NAS 1.26:205489
NAS 1.26:205500
Computer supported indexing a history and evaluation of NASA's MAI system. |
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NAS 1.26:205501
Assimilation of altimeter data into a quasigeostrophic model of the Gulf Stream system. |
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NAS 1.26:205503
Three-dimensional visualization of ozone process data |
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NAS 1.26:205504
Design document, database specifications, and database administration for the Naval Interactive Data Analysis System (NIDAS) version 3.1 NIDAS version 3.1 (1 June 1997) / |
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NAS 1.26:205523
Workshop on Parent-Body and Nebular Modification of Chondritic Materials held at Maui, Hawai'i, July 17-19, 1997 / |
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NAS 1.26:205525
Mars 2005 Sample Return Workshop held at NASA Ames Research Center, March 25-27, 1996 / |
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NAS 1.26:205526
Seventh annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference June 2-6, 1997, Tucson, Arizona / |
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NAS 1.26:205549
Numerical solutions of the complete Navier-Stokes equations final report : NASA grant NAG-1-244 / |
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NAS 1.26:205550
Verification and improvement of flamelet approach for non-premixed flames summary report under cooperative agreement no. NCC3-496, with NASA Lewis Research Center; period of implementation--September 1996-August 1997 / |
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NAS 1.26:205551
Landing gear integration in aircraft conceptual design final report covering the period: June 1994 - September 1996 / |
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NAS 1.26:205553
Design of a vehicle based intervention system to prevent ozone loss |
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NAS 1.26:205554
Electrolysis Performance Improvement Concept Study (EPICS) flight experiment-reflight final report : prepared under contract NAS9-18568 ... / |
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