Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:206871 The winds of B supergiants [STX task 3400-001) 1
NAS 1.26:206873 Astronomical software directory service final technical report / 1
NAS 1.26:206874 NRA, first multiwavelength, multiple layer doppler imaging of an active binary 1
NAS 1.26:206875 NEAR gamma ray spectrometer characterization and repair contract NAS5-32486 final report, year 3 : technical report / 1
NAS 1.26:206876 An[n]ual report the winds of B supergiants [STX task 3400-001) / 1
NAS 1.26:206877 The development of a degree 360 expansion of the dynamic ocean topography of the POCM4̲B global circulation model 1
NAS 1.26:206882 Diagnostic studies with GLA fields 1
NAS 1.26:206883 Long-term global morphology of gravity wave activity using UARS data quarterly report, Mar 18, 1998-Jun 18, 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:206884 Laboratory studies of chemical and photochemical processes relevant to stratospheric ozone final report, June 1995-July 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:206885 High Energy Astrophysics Program (HEAP) NASA contract NAS5-32490 : technical report, October 1, 1997 thru March 31, 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:206886 Long-term global morphology of gravity wave activity using UARS data contract NAS5-98045 : quarterly report, Dec 18, 1997-March 18, 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:206887 MIT-CSR XIS Project progress report : contract NAS5-32929, period ending February 28, 1998. 1
NAS 1.26:206888 TRMM solar array [final report] : NASA contract no. NAS5-32464. 1
NAS 1.26:206889 An advanced approach to simultaneous monitoring of multiple bacteria in space final report : contract number NAS5-97183 / 1
NAS 1.26:206891 Nimbus/TOMS science data operations support final report : July 1992-May 1998, NASA contract no. NAS5-31755. 1
NAS 1.26:206893 High energy particle acceleration and turbulent magnetic field amplification in shell-type supernova remnants 1
NAS 1.26:206896 A broad-band spectral and timing study of the X-ray binary system Centaurus X-3 1
NAS 1.26:206897 An investigation of the largest flares in active cool star binaries with ALEXIS final report / 1
NAS 1.26:206898 "An investigation into the elementary temporal structure of solar flare hard X-ray bursts using BATSE" final research report ... / 1
NAS 1.26:206901 A user's guide to the Zwikker-Kosten Transmission Line Code (ZKTL) 1