NAS 1.26:207157
The stability of radiatively cooling jets. |
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NAS 1.26:207158
The stability of radiatively cooling jets. |
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NAS 1.26:207159
Noise from supersonic coaxial jets. |
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NAS 1.26:207160
Comparison of retracking algorithms using airborne radar and laser altimeter measurements of the Greenland ice sheet |
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NAS 1.26:207161
Sulfur, chlorine and fluorine degassing and atmospheric loading by the Roza eruption, Columbia River basalt group, Washington, USA |
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NAS 1.26:207162
An interdisciplinary undergraduate space physics course understanding the process of science through one field's colorful history / |
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NAS 1.26:207163
Energization of ions in near-Earth current sheet disruptions |
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NAS 1.26:207164
Electron densities in solar flare loops, chromospheric evaporation upflows, and acceleration sites |
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NAS 1.26:207165
Chromospheric evaporation and decimetric radio emission in solar flares |
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NAS 1.26:207166
Merger of a neutron star with a Newtonian black hole |
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NAS 1.26:207168
Accumulation of dissolved DMSP by marine bacteria and its degradation via bacterivory |
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NAS 1.26:207169
Grazing-activated production of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) by two clones of Emiliania huxleyi |
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NAS 1.26:207170
Sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine degassing and atmospheric loading by the 1783-1784 AD Laki (Skaftár Fires) eruption in Iceland |
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NAS 1.26:207171
Planetary systems around neutron stars a summary of research, March 1, 1993 through September 30, 1997 : grant no.--NAG W-3405 / |
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NAS 1.26:207174
Final technical report astronomical software directory service : contract no. NAS5-32496, funded by NRA-OSSA-92-15, Astrophysics Data Program / |
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NAS 1.26:207175
Development of a search and rescue simulation to study the effects of prolonged isolation on team decision making |
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NAS 1.26:207178
Application of domain knowledge to software quality assurance final report for the period ending September 30, 1997 : under research grant NAG-1-439 : ODURF #146219 / |
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NAS 1.26:207180
Automated track recognition and event reconstruction in nuclear emulsion |
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NAS 1.26:207181
Development of improved surface integral methods for jet aeroacoustic predictions final report, NASA-Langley grant no. NAG-1660 / |
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NAS 1.26:207188
The RS CVn binary HD 155555 a comparative study of the atmospheres for the two component stars / |
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