Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:207409 Operational evaluation of a Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) 1
NAS 1.26:207410 Dryout and rewetting in the pool boiling experiment flown on STS-72 (PBE-II B) and STS-77 (PBE-II A) 1
NAS 1.26:207433 Upper-tropospheric winds derived from geostationary satellite water vapor observations 1
NAS 1.26:207434 Semi-annual report on coupling processes between atmospheric chemistry and climate, NAS5-97039 1
NAS 1.26:207436 Bantam system technology project final report : contract NAS8-97319 / 1
NAS 1.26:207440 Development of processing techniques for advanced thermal protection materials (NASA-Ames grant no. NAG2-848) : semi-annual progress report : June 1, 1997-November 30, 1997 / 1
NAS 1.26:207442 Lessons learned from the Clementine mission 1
NAS 1.26:207447 An analysis of failure handling in Chameleon, a framework for supporting cost-effective fault tolerant services thesis ... / 1
NAS 1.26:207448 The global coronal structure investigation NASA grant NAG5-5075 : annual report for the period 1 April 1997 through 31 March 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:207449 Application of high resolution topography and remote sensing imagery to the kinematics of fold-and-thrust belts : final report-NAGW-3691 / 1
NAS 1.26:207450 Multiwavelength study of coronal structure a simultaneous observation from NIXT and YOHKOH : grant NAGW-4644 : final report for the period of performance 04/01/95 through 09/30/97 / 1
NAS 1.26:207451 Millimeter and submillimeter spectroscopy of molecules of atmospheric importance progress report and research plan ... for the third year of a project / 1
NAS 1.26:207452 Observational and theoretical studies of low-mass star formation grant NAGW-3401 : final report for the period 1 March 1993 through 30 September 1997 / 1
NAS 1.26:207454 Vapor-phase stoichiometry and heat treatment of CdTe starting material for physical vapor transport 1
NAS 1.26:207459 Undoped polyaniline/surfactant complex for the corrosion prevention 1
NAS 1.26:207460 A measurement of the energy spectra of cosmic rays from 20 to 1000 GeV per amu final report on NASA grant NAGW-2023 / 1
NAS 1.26:207461 Penetration electric fields and inner magnetosphere dynamics a model and data comparison : second annual progress report, NASW-5036 : covering period from 6 March 1997 through 5 March 1998 / 1
NAS 1.26:207462 "Development of an ultrasonic and Fabry-Perot interferometer for non-destruction inspection of aging aircraft" final report for NASA Dryden Flight Research Center grant # NAG4-0012. 1
NAS 1.26:207463 Nonguiding center motion and substorm effects in the magnetotail 1
NAS 1.26:207464 A model study of zonal forcing in the equatorial stratosphere by convectively induced gravity waves 1