Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:2353 Study of quiet turbofan STOL aircraft for short-haul transportation. 1
NAS 1.26:2354 Theoretical studies of tone noise from a fan rotor / 1
NAS 1.26:2355 Study of quiet turbofan STOL aircraft for short haul transportation / 1
NAS 1.26:2356 Analysis of laminar flow between stationary and rotating disks with inflow / 1
NAS 1.26:2357 Feasibility study of a satellite solar power station / 1
NAS 1.26:2358 Calculation of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of STOL aircraft with externally-blown jet-augmented flaps / 1
NAS 1.26:2360 Survey on effect of surface winds on aircraft design and operation and recommendations for needed wind research / 1
NAS 1.26:2361 Determination of critical nondimensional parameters in aircraft dynamic response to random input / 1
NAS 1.26:2362 Highly loaded multi-stage fan drive turbine : performance of initial seven configurations / 1
NAS 1.26:2364 Seeded gas thrusters and related system components / 1
NAS 1.26:2365 Finite-difference solution for turbulent swirling compressible flow in axisymmetric ducts with struts / 1
NAS 1.26:2366 Evaluation of a series hybrid thrust bearing at DN values to three million : I - analysis and design / 1
NAS 1.26:2367 The Effects of bed rest on crew performance during simulated shuttle reentry / 1
NAS 1.26:2368 Numerical calculations of velocity and pressure distribution around oscillating airfoils / 1
NAS 1.26:2369 The detection of fatigue cracks by nondestructive testing methods / 1
NAS 1.26:2370 Parametric study of relaminarization of turbulent boundary layers on nozzle walls / 1
NAS 1.26:2371 Analytical study of rigidized fibrous materials / 1
NAS 1.26:2372 SNAP-8 refractory boiler development program / 1
NAS 1.26:2373 Thermodynamic properties of UF₆ at high temperatures / 1
NAS 1.26:2374 A predictive pilot model for STOL aircraft landing / 1