NAS 1.26:2537
SBASI : actuated pyrotechnic time delay initiator / |
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NAS 1.26:2538
Effectiveness of spoilers on the GA(W)-1 airfoil with a high performance Folwer flap / |
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NAS 1.26:2539
Theoretical and experimental study of a new method for prediction of profile drag of airfoil sections / |
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NAS 1.26:2540
Wind-tunnel measurements in the wake of a simple structure in a simulated atmospheric flow / |
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NAS 1.26:2543
Prediction of unsteady aerodynamic loadings caused by leading edge and trailing edge control surface motions in subsonic compressible flow : analysis and results / |
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NAS 1.26:2544
Conceptual design study of 1985 commercial tilt rotor transports. |
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NAS 1.26:2545
Conceptual engineering design studies of 1985-era commercial VTOL and STOL transports that utilize rotors / |
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NAS 1.26:2546
Calculations of unsteady turbulent boundary layers with flow reversal / |
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NAS 1.26:2547
The NATA code : theory and analysis / |
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NAS 1.26:2548
Steady-state and transient analysis of a squeeze film damper bearing for rotor stability / |
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NAS 1.26:2549
Design and fabrication of composite wing panels containing a production splice / |
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NAS 1.26:2550
Hypersonic ionizing air viscous shock-layer flows over nonanalytic blunt bodies / |
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NAS 1.26:2551
Computer user's guide for a chemically reacting viscous shock-layer program / |
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NAS 1.26:2552
Approximation concepts for efficient structural synthesis / |
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NAS 1.26:2553
Flexible rotor balancing by the influence coefficient method : multiple critical speeds with rigid or flexible supports / |
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NAS 1.26:2554
Comparison of wind-tunnel test results at M[subscript infinity] = 0.7 with results from the Boeing TEA-230 subsonic flow method / |
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NAS 1.26:2555
A feasibility study for Scout polar launches from NASA Wallops Flight Center / |
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NAS 1.26:2556
Semiconductor diode laser material and devices with emission in visible region of the spectrum / |
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NAS 1.26:2557
Cloud motion in relation to the ambient wind field / |
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NAS 1.26:2558
Relationships between motion on isentropic surfaces from 3-H rawinsonde data and radar echoes / |
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