Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.60:1640 The Stratcom VIII effort / 1
NAS 1.60:1641 Flight-test evaluation of STOL control and flight director concepts in a powered-lift aircraft flying curved decelerating approaches / 1
NAS 1.60:1642 Wind tunnel investigation of an all flush orifice air data system for a large subsonic aircraft / 1
NAS 1.60:1643 Use of nose cap and fuselage pressure orifices for determination of air data for Space Shuttle Orbiter below supersonic speeds / 1
NAS 1.60:1644 Effect of oxide additions and temperature on sinterability of milled silicon nitride / 1
NAS 1.60:1645 Status of linear boundary-layer stability theory and the en method, with emphasis on swept-wing applications / 1
NAS 1.60:1646 Damping in tapered annular seals for an incompressible fluid / 1
NAS 1.60:1647 Description of an experimental (hydrogen peroxide) rocket system and its use in measuring aileron and rudder effectiveness of a light airplane / 1
NAS 1.60:1648 Theory for computing the size and shape of a region of influence associated with a maneuvering vehicle / 1
NAS 1.60:1649 Navigation, guidance, and control for helicopter automatic landings / 1
NAS 1.60:1650 Analysis of fuel-conservative curved decelerating approach trajectories for powered-lift and CTOL jet aircraft / 1
NAS 1.60:1651 Ice crystal growth in a dynamic thermal diffusion chamber. 1
NAS 1.60:1652 Measured and predicted shock shapes and aerodynamic coefficients for blunted cones at incidence in air at Mach 5.9 / 1
NAS 1.60:1653 Application of two design methods for active flutter suppression and wind-tunnel test results / 1
NAS 1.60:1654 Realizable optimal control for a remotely piloted research vehicle / 1
NAS 1.60:1655 Velocity-split Navier-Stokes solution procedure for imcompressible high Reynolds number external flows / 1
NAS 1.60:1656 Development and validation of a combined rotor-fuselage induced flow-field computational method / 1
NAS 1.60:1657 Operating characteristics of a high-speed, jet-lubricated 35-millimeter-bore ball bearing with a single-outer-land guided cage / 1
NAS 1.60:1658 Steady-state wear and friction in boundary lubrication studies / 1
NAS 1.60: 1659 Performance of single-stage axial-flow transonic compressor with rotor and stator aspect ratios of 1.19 and 1.26, respectively, and with design pressure ratio of 2.05 / 1